The Law of Attraction

in life2018 •  7 years ago 

The Law of Attraction states:

You are a living magnet and you attract into your life the people and the circumstances that are in harmony with your dominant thoughts.

What is/are your dominant thought(s)?

Your life is a garden. What have you permitted to grow in it?

There are no limits to what you can achieve with your life, except the limits you accept in your mind.

It's all about your inner game dear friend. It's not about your circumstances, it's all about your beliefs.

You can only achieveimages (2).jpg what you first become within.

As within, so without. It's law!

You can choose to put up a false life online but you can deceive most people, some of the time and perhaps even some people, most of the time but you cannot deceive everybody, all the time.

It's time to work on your inner game.

What are your beliefs, values and strategies for success in 2018?

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thanks @eatsrewards