in lifestyle •  7 years ago 

Assisted therapies with animals.
This is a job of service to others to people in the field of health, to have a purpose to improve health.
The therapy of animal health, here plays an important role the animal as it serves as support in each of the treatments, this helps to facilitate all therapeutic processes this will help build the overall development of the person.
This is a new treatment modality where animals play an important role, this is an integral part of the process. This help is to improve both the physical, social, emotional and / or cognitive functioning of human beings.
This therapy can be carried out in groups of two or more people or individual, it must be clear that the animals themselves do not have a therapy, they are the instruments that intervene between the therapy and the patient, together with the drugs and psychotherapy pruces its healing effect.
There are two types of assisted therapy.
enjoy the company of animals in a pleasant way, this will provide both physical and psychic performance.
Authentic schemes are formed that help rehabilitation with the help of animals, it does not necessarily have to be domestic, this must always be coordinated by a doctor with a controlled and guided team, such as an individual with psychomotor problems.
One of the most recent research has shown that all animal presence and your company is related to sensations of a lot of tranquility and enormous relaxation that will help reduce the heart rate and blood pressure.
When we use dogs and cats in special treatments for special children and autistic or pathological shyness, emotional disturbances, lack of socialization or ants with Alzheimer's or depression, a great improvement is observed constantly and each day that is evolving and has an improvement and It shows that the usual treatments.
Photo taken from my cell phone
Photo taken from my cell phone

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