Due to the increase of violence in Mexico, more and more people are buying bulletproof cars. Unfortunately, also the crime has access to them and they use these cars to continue with their criminal activities.
In the last weeks the Senate of Mexico approved a law to make mandatory the registration of the ownership of bulletproof cars. The aim is to avoid the illegitimate use of this vehicles and increase transparency and control. So far, the registration is planned to be in one of the states´ offices. I personally think that they should do it with Blockchain. Specially, because it is a very sensitive topic and Blockchain will make everything more transparent.
Pain Point
The criminal groups are using the bulletproof cars for illegal activities. There is no ownership record and there is no control on how many bulletproof cars are.
Image by: Wall Street Journal. (2014). Bulletproof BMW X5 Security Plus SUV Unveiled. Retrieved from https://images.app.goo.gl/BjNHaYyc4RAGDf3j9
How could this Pain Point be reduced in a blockchain-world?
If the government make the records of bulletproof cars in Blockchain everything will be more transparent, and it is assumed that the criminal groups won´t have legitimate access to this vehicle. Meaning that the people involved in criminal activities barely will have access to buy one of those cars.
The benefits to have the records on blockchain are:
a) Blockchain will ensure the transparency and will make the information immutable.
b) The state can make use of the information to detect fraud or illegal activities. All the owners of bulletproof cars will be registered in the Blockchain. The state can analyse the data which might lead to further research. For example, cities with high number of bulletproof cars registered. Also, they will exactly know who was involved in a shooting and therefore they can make a more accurate investigation.
c) The information will be protected, and it will ensure the security of the data. Corruption is not going to be an option. (If someone wants to manipulate the information)
d) It increase the control of the state on this problem and It might help to identify people involved in these illicit activities.
Maybe the impact of having the records on blockchain will take some time. But I am positive that Blockchain technology can have huge impact in this issue simply because it makes the records more transparent and especially immutable.
Senado de Mexico. (2020). Aprueba Senado registro de autos blindados. Website: http://comunicacion.senado.gob.mx/index.php/periodo-ordinario/boletines/3515-boletin-0963-aprueba-senado-registro-de-autos-blindados