Hyper Focus is a thing that comes naturally to some, not to others. Hyper focus on things unbreaking train of thought easily on the specific hyper focus it is what has created some of the best human inventions like something as simple as a light bulb. A light bulb is as simple as a couple circuits and a battery. How was the first electrical battery made, by who? why? when? and was the a battery that was not electric before that? according to ethw.org the first electrical battery was made in 1799 by Alessandro Volta. The Battery was known as the Voltaic Cell or Pile made out of a stack of metal disks (where did he get these discs?) one being silver, other being zinc. The two elements were separated by something like a cloth or cardboard that had been soaked in salt water (will look into why salt water) Volta had found that the stack of dissimilar metals created a small electrical current "why him? how did he think of this? why did he spend his time doing this?" the pile could generate 1-2 volts
ill finish doing research later, got distracted on some adobe stuff