Challenges make us stronger. Is there anything more challenging than trying to love your enemies? Light the World Day 8

in lighttheworld •  7 years ago  (edited)

Throughout my participation in the #LightTheWorld campaign, I have been pretty open about the fact that I am not a religious person. However, I am a teacher who recognizes excellent teaching when I see it. Regardless of one's religious affiliation, it is hard to deny that Jesus was (and still is) one of the greatest teachers who ever lived.

Nelson Mandela was also an excellent teacher.

Part of being an excellent teacher is presenting one's students with challenges. No one ever became stronger by avoiding challenges (unless the challenge is to become the weakest person alive). An athlete does not become elite by only competing against inferior talent. A weightlifter does not gain the ability to bench press 225 pounds by only picking up 10 pound weights. A NASA engineer does not help put people in space if she only does the easy math problems. A person does not become better at loving thy neighbor if he only loves the people who love him back.

Jesus, and many other great teachers, taught that people should love everyone.

Now that is a challenge.

When one accepts a challenge and attempts to overcome it, he does not immediately succeed (it wouldn't be much of a challenge if he did). There are many failures along the way. I would guess that there are far more failure than successes. But that is how the process works. We learn from and are strengthened by our failures. It is only after these failures that we have built up the strength and knowledge required to succeed.

Therefore, if the end goal is to become elite at loving others, we must overcome challenges in order to hone that ability.

I can think of nothing more challenging than loving one's enemies.

I can honestly say I am not there yet. I may never be. But I will try. It is in this constant effort that I will become stronger and better at loving others. Religious or not, I want to improve in this area. There is far too much hate in this world. It is worth the effort in order to avoid being part of that hate.

Today's #lighttheworld theme is inspiring me to attempt the challenge.

The official ligththeworld site states:

Jesus taught:

"Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you."

—Matthew 5:44

It continues...

"We may not get along with everyone, but we shouldn’t be unkind to anyone. Jesus showed us the ultimate example of loving an enemy."

Martin Luther King Jr. was another amazing teacher.

The #lighttheworld website provides some suggestions for ways to meet the challenge of loving your enemies:

  • When was the last time you weren’t at your best?
    Reach out to apologize to someone you may have hurt or offended.

  • Do you have a family member, classmate, or coworker who’s difficult to get along with?
    Focus on being kind to the person for an entire week.

  • Is someone getting bullied at your school or work?
    Stand up for your peer in front of a bully.

For more information on #lighttheworld, please visit

Several community members have already followed @gavvet's lead and have created #lighttheworld posts of their own. Now we need someone from the community to inspire others on day 9. Tomorrow's theme is: "I was sick, and ye visited me. " You can find more information here.

If you decide to participate by creating your own post for day 9, please make sure to use the #lighttheworld tag and include the day's video, theme and link, as we have done.

If you'd like to see a great example, please check out @methusalem's inspirational Day 3 post


@sonofthunder's wonderful Day 6 post

Although we will be on the lookout for great #lighttheworld posts every day, we will definitely need contributions on days 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, and 24.

Images 1, 2, 3

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I don't think it is wise to love your enemies regardless of the motivations of the enmity. It is wiser to forgive him of his mistakes, provided that first he repented them.

I think forgiveness is a great first step... and one that I can actually do.

I agree with you on this, I am not religious at all but I do believe that Jesus was one of the greatest teachers, he was most likely a real person but the church has made him into something holy and unrealistic. I'll read the tomorrow's theme and see if I can add something of value.

I think the "unrealistic" part all depends on faith.

"In Lak'ech Ala K'in"

Ancient saying from the Mayans. Translated roughly to "I am you, and you are another me."

A beautiful step toward treating your "neighbor" as yourself. They are you.

Great post!

That is beautiful! I have never heard that.

More challenging than loving your enemy? Well, there's: Setting up an IOTA wallet (I know, that's profane)

özür dilerim yeni üye oldum nasıl takip ediliyor

I love this saying. If we treated everyone like this there would be less hatred and misunderstandings leading to hostilities.

No sailor became expert by a calm sea...

very wise! thank you!

I've recently been leaning toward the teachings of the Buddha - not in a religious context, being that this was not his original intent. My wife and I did a 10 day silent retreat where we learned to do vipassana; the type of meditation that the Buddha did in order to reach enlightenment.

What I found most interesting was how the teacher taught us to forget about the traditions, rituals and nonsense of all religions and focus on the science of observing the sensations on the body while not reacting.

After many sometimes agonizing hours of this introspection, some amazing things begin to happen. For one, you begin to realize on a fundamental level that everything is impermanent. Most notable pain and fear. You also learn that fear can always be broken down to lack of understanding.

The sheer act of observing the sensations of things like fear and pain without reaction eventually causes them to subside. Over the course of a lot of time meditating, you one by one eliminate the attributes that enslave you, such as cravings and aversions.

What you are left with is pure love and understanding with profound wisdom. Well, I hope to attain that someday but still have a long way to go!

But it is a journey worth taking!

Learning to guess less of a fuck about people that you dislike is probably a good thing to do, forgiving even better, but actually showing them real love might just be a step too far.

Perhaps... but how much can one improve by making the attempts to achieve such a seemingly impossible goal?

Once I learned to love my "enemies" I realized I never had ones. In german we call them "Arschengel" (badass angels), because they mirror me where I am doing wrong.

Hmmmm, it is a very strong one. To love your enemies and those who hurt you or do you wrong... It is not easy but with God's grace it can be achieved, I do keep grudges before. I was a pro in keeping grudges and having this revenging spirit always at alert not until my dad called me one day and said to me when you revenge does it change anything.I also learnt keeping grudges only makes you heavy and unable to move forward. It is not easy but I always pray God gives me the strength to love my enemies, forgive them and forget what they did. Nice post, thanks

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Wow what a great piece, well just like you said it's never easy to love your enemies but as the Bible has instructed us we have No excuse. Permit me to come this way please "it's 100percent possible that we will never be appreciated enough for our good works but we just don't have to look at what the world can offer us but what we can offer the world" for if everyone should have this mindset and share the view the world well truly be free of hate and will become a better place for us all.

Thank you for this encouraging post @hanshotfirst

I really like it..... you spread great wisdom, cheer, and spirit all over the Steem blockchain and hopefully someday it will echo all over the internet!

I love the Martin Luther King Jr. Saying:

"Love is the only thing that can turn an enemy into a friend"

Peace ✌, Hope 🙏, & Love 💖!

Loving your enemies is one of the hardest Jesus' teaching that is only possible obey by Love. Love wins.

My good friend, I agree with you in all you said about love. I also want to add that 1 Cor. 13 says that love does not count wrong, it is patient and kind, it bears all things and most importantly, love does not end and that is why God loved us with an everlasting love. Thanks for sharing.

I usually have a quiet time of just being, meditation and prayer when I first awake in the morning. This morning I was running late and hadn't done that yet when I saw your touching post.
I believe that, even though very hard at times, we can all be kind. However rich or poor we are we have kindness that we can share.

There's just too much hate in today's world and we can each help to dilute it with one on one love for all creatures.

That is why I love this initiative. It is all about kindness.

This right here was what i needed to read at this point. Loving people who go out of their way to offend you,is one i am yet to master. Thanks for sharing your struggles and thoughts with us

Me either. It is incredibly difficult. But maybe by trying it helps.

What an awesome article that was truly awesome and yeah love is the only thing that bring peace !!!

Am so happy I could find posts like this, where people can talk about God and his lavished love and how we are to be a reflection of him. At first I thought the platform was all about steem, and stuffs. But am more comfortable now knowing there are lovers of God. Thanks for the nuggets.
On loving our enemies, in as much as it seems a difficult thing to do, our desire should be to obey God and please him. For he God loved we world and gave his only son even when we would have been termed enemies.
This is why we have the holy spirit. That is part of his ministry. It's not something we can do by our own might

I think challenge is very important for progress, it keeps you motivated and when you finally make it the satisfaction is always higher.

@hanshotfirst this is such a sweet post. '"Jesus, and many other great teachers, taught that people should love everyone." This is the greatest lesson of life in my opinion. Something I heard recently is that comfort kills dreams, so creating challenges for ourselves I believe is a must. For example I had always wanted to start a blog..and talked about it too, I came across this platform and didn't do anything for a while, until I decided to put my doubts aside. This was the best decision for me in 2017. Hoping to start a video that's a totally new challenge. Really loved this message.
Re- esteem :) Best wishes.

Good luck! I think you came to the right place.

Thank you :)

This is truly inspiring. So much good can come if we learn to not focus on our hatred but of our love for the world. Even if you aren't religious so many good principles of equality and forgiveness can be learned from it.


you are right. But now a days peoples are busy to fight each others without love each others
If we love each others we can make a beautiful world.

I Agree. Sometimes we are so caught up in the rat race of our everyday lives, that we don't see the hurt in others that are right next to us...

Yeshua (Jesus) certainly had great knowledge that he bestowed upon humanity. The challenges are there for testing and to help us grow if we so choose to do so. Growth is a very difficult thing because many would rather be comfortable than go through the uncomfortable process of change. Love certainly is a great answer. Even he gave a simple answer to SO many laws that were given to the Jewish people and summed them up to "loving God/loving each other," since they cover the rest of the laws. Great post!

Thank your very much for this wonderful and amazing post, to be loved you must love your self, then its easy to love people and to be loved !

Love is God's gift to mankind, the fulfillment of having to light up someone's life is amazing.. We all need to show love and be kind to man. Thanks for this awesome post.

@hanshotfirst - loving your enemy might often sound a bit too utopian, and it's often ont possible humanly to simply decide to love somebody one fine day and then do it. BUT, there's one thing that we can do - we can definitely forget that person - and forgiving somebody for a wrong they did not only helps us move forward but also helps us cast all negativity from our mind and give us the peace that would evade us otherwise.

Love an enemy? Maybe not Practical, but Forgive? Definitely possible though it is challenging.

I agree 100%. Forgiving is one of the best things we can do for others... and ourself. But it is not easy.

Thanks for sharing such a unique moral post I am impressed to read it
Well I want to ad here that it is very difficult to love your enemies but not impossible so keep on loving guys and enjoying loving to all so you will get more and more love. Wonderful effort
@hanshotfirst keep it up

Love an enemy? Maybe not Practical, but Forgive? Definitely possible though it is challenging.

Thank you for this amazing and inspiring post, dear @hanshotfirst! This is a topic I philosophize and meditate a lot about! True love dosen't expect anything in return. True love just exists. Loving your enemies is very, very hard as our ego is vulnerable and wants to defend itself. But if we overcome it and are able to love our enemies, wonders can happen! I am not a religious person as well, but I consider myself as a spiritual person. Jesus and a lot of other spiritual teachers inspire us to reach this precious state of unconditional love for everyone. And it is something I work on every day! :) It's very inspiring and motivating to see that there are other souls out there who feel the same! Thank your very much and be blessed! :)

We are on the exact same page. Thank you for the thoughtful response.

I like your post .I believe that Challenges make us stronger.

Thank you for this amazing and inspiring post, dear @hanshotfirst! This is a topic I philosophize and meditate a lot about! True love dosen't expect anything in return. True love just exists. Loving your enemies is very, very hard as our ego is vulnerable and wants to defend itself. But if we overcome it and are able to love our enemies, wonders can happen! I am not a religious person as well, but I consider myself as a spiritual person. Jesus and a lot of other spiritual teachers inspire us to reach this precious state of unconditional love for everyone. And it is something I work on every day! :) It's very inspiring and motivating to see that there are other souls out there who feel the same! Thank your very much and be blessed! :)

Love is the ultimate gift of God to human kind.
God's greatest love for us is endless and unconditional.
Thank you for a great opportunity to share in the word of God.

I guess it's more of a duty to create humanity among people. This not only benefits them, but change a lot within you.
The least I can do is to create a post #9. I'll recommend same to all. The more we do this, more harmony is created :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Loving enemies and people who hurt us can be a very hard thing to do. I've been there. But there's no escaping it, we just have to forgive and let go. In turn, freeing ourselves.

Impossible is nothing! Accept the challenge and take it on...

I might have a thing or two to contribute on tomorrow's theme. Wait for it...

Thanks for sharing Sir
BTW, please where can I get the link to tomorrow's video? The website?

Several community members have already followed @gavvet's lead and have created #lighttheworld posts of their own. Now we need someone from the community to inspire others on day 9. Tomorrow's theme is: "I was sick, and ye visited me. " You can find more information here.

Thank you Sir

Im glad i found your post.
I felt lead to contribute to the day nine challenge


According to Jesus Christ,He says that we must love everyone even our enemies. According to the story of the good samaritan, the samarian man help the wounded sojourner without knowing him.....

One of the best way to kill your enemies is being a friend of them so that we know their weaknesses and we can teach them that we are not as bad as the think..

exceptional article to motivate people.

Thank you for the most inspiring post ultimate gift of God.

Best thing to read Today wow.. simply magical your words and thoughts+ every single words is made my day by sharing and writing this... thank you so much.. Beautiful.. again👍😀💐👏👏👏👏👏👏

Jesus is teach are the greats teach that can transform and kind both economically and spirituality

Great post, very inspirational

that,s the bravery and a great positive step toward peaceful living and the willingness of almighty Allah. incredible article!



Great read!!

How do i get tommorow's video i need to participate

Sorry for the delay. All of the videos can be found here

For more information on #lighttheworld, please visit

Thanks so much @hanshotfirst for bringing to us this message of love: love for God, neighbors and especially those who despise us. A big challenge as said, but we shall try our best to do our best.

Ouuu.That's great.I think everybody have to find thnigs which will motivated themself.This time the same everybody will love life very much... Life is diffrent for everyone.Someone became a billionaries at the age of twenty-five and died at the age of fifty. But other someones became a billionaries at the age of fifty and died at the age of ninety... Life is working diffrent for everyone.Everybody is living in his own time zone.So ENJOY FROM EVERY MOMENT OF LIFE.LIFE IS GOOD!!!

Indeed, challenges makes us stronger. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. #love you

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Niceeee post..

Check out my latest post to try increasing the number of your followers

Love someone today!

This is beautiful! Thank you for sharing!

This post was very informative thank you for sharing
you have my upvote plus a resteem

I'm a bit lost for the moment cause it's totally new for me .. (o_o)
I hope the weather will be soon better
have a nice day :)

True but God will never put you in a predicament you can't handle

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Did you ever think about what kind of people you are !? Is there even a good persons or bad ones in this world !?
I'm telling you !! You don't even need to know , because it doesn't change anything at all !
The fact here is our selfs keep turning and changing !! The second you try to think who you are , be sure that you weren't the person who asked this question verbally !! Every single atom , feeling , look , from the bed you were sleeping to day to the last spark you saw before the sleep ley you down, pushs you to change !! You can't control that because you are into a huge serie of events !! You are in the thing!! just observe it with your closed mouth .

Great post

love couldn't stop Martin Luther King Jr's killer from pulling the trigger ...

The problem is that everyone expects to be given something without working for it the hard way.

So you want to love your neighbor, okay then here’s my challenge – change your mind. For example if you really want to love everyone all you have to do is separate them from their beliefs. Now you are free to love and understand them while hating the things that make them your enemy.

Their beliefs have taken over their minds and challenge your beliefs, potentially making them and you behave badly. If beliefs are seen as a kind of virus that infect people for the beliefs’ benefit then the problem and the solutions become obvious.

Although easy to understand, I suspect this concept is too difficult for most people to accept because we all have beliefs in our minds that don’t want to be changed. That’s why changing our mind is the most difficult challenge of all. But by seeing beliefs for what they are we can target the problem not each other.

That’s my challenge to all of us.

ın my 34 years of life experince and in my military training i learned that the only challenge is with your mind. If you believe than you can do everything. You will never say “i can not do it” , “impossible” etc...

I love this post.
It gave me a lot to reflect on

I love this post.
It gave me alot to reflect on.
Like how much work i have left on forgiving people.

In case it was missed, i felt lead to contribute to the day nine challenge.
Here is mine.

awesome article bro
thnx share with us

Well, loving one's enemies is hard but not impossible... I can't say I can love them... But I can say I'm already trying to be fair with them...

Even in a battle, in the most raging conflict ever... Even if someone had to kill one another... They must do it for the cause they fight for, not the hate...

I believe not all wars can be avoided... even if both parties want "a better world"... the world of one of them will need the other to disappear... In that case I would fight, But I won't hate my enemy because I know their fight for a better world too, it's just that the better world I seek is more important for me.

But that's why the war in these days are sad... they are basically meaningless... they just fight for money and power... not for making the world better place to live in.

yes, It's difficult to showing love to enemy. but its very important to win. #lighttheworld

Nice post

Excellent I definitely want to get into that project, by the way, I'll follow you.

Good post! Visit our blog and see the latest news and the best tops :D Greetings

Challenges makes us a better person. We need to embrace changes. I love your article my friend. This article can be use to enlighten other people the importance of changes to his or her life but to society.