Here Come the General[ists]

in linguistics •  8 years ago 

Generalizations are a method used in marketing and sales to convey a powerful meaning to a message being pushed on the audience. In fact, most people use the general view in their daily conversations not really knowing the effect it has or what it really means. What does a generalization do in communication? It basically says all, 100% of the facts, supporters or supporting data are behind the message thus making it true:

"Doctors Recommend Preparation H",

"Scientists Say Global Warming is Melting North Pole Ice";

"Government Officials say the Economy is growing".

Firstly, the specifics, details and facts are required to make any statement with some basis of truth in it. Secondly, just because saying X will be Y does not make it fact. And finally, who specifically stated that, what specifically is the issue being presented, where did this activity take place, when did it happen and the period of time that it happened or will happen, and how will this suggestion actually affect the targeted population that is being manipulated?

Many business and other organizations attempt to persuade through suggestion while the receivers may do little to question the message being pushed. The "Ignorance" factor is key in addition to lack of questioning, logical deduction, data comparison, experience and finally deciding what is fact from propaganda.

Has anyone considered how an organization as large as a Government could make any statement, especially daily or weekly, with any accuracy and up to date information? With millions of staff and thousands upon thousands of information collection points, one can only wonder.... Just visit your local DMV to see how decisions are made or information is shared to see the point.

The fact of the matter is that those impressive suggestions are a one or two man project written by those in the power seat that give the impression that all are involved, in support and all [people] are affected.

Yes, the General[ists] are attempting to [man]ipulate the audience for a desired outcome. The question is, will you believe their message?


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