→ Why I’d Never Do a TED Talk

in link •  7 years ago 

To go along with my previous post on TED talks, here is Julie Bindel explaining why she would never do one.

The rehearsed smugness of the presenters puts me off the content – which is all about making the simple sound profound.


The talks are so rehearsed that even the well-placed pauses and casual hair flicks look hideously false. TED bots strut around the stage, posing, delivering well-crafted smiles and frowns. It’s like amateur dramatics for would-be intellectuals.


Many of the speakers state the blatantly obvious on a loop, sounding as though they have discovered the theory of relativity all over again. The pretentious gestures, rehearsed pauses and speech traits single them out from other public speakers. They appear to have learned the art of making the simplest ideas appear complex.

I agree and I disagree. As I said in my previous post, I like TED talks, but I do dislike the over-rehearsed nature of every presenter that makes them all sound and look exactly the same—like Steve Jobs clones. Granted, he was an amazing presenter, but that doesn't mean everyone else needs to sound exactly like him.

As to the over-rehearsed nature of the gig.

Those invited to be potential TED talkers are required to attend several auditions, and, if they are one of the chosen few, a number of rehearsals before they are deemed ready.

Sounds fun.

LINK: Why I’d never do a TED talk (and it’s not just because they’re named after a man)

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My nerves would probably get the best of me.
I have enjoyed some TED talks. Don't listen to the ones you don't like.