TROJAN HORSE BOOK by J.J Benitez - Reflection

in literature •  8 years ago 

 The work Trojan horse of J.J. Benitez leads us to question and reflect about the different theories assumed by various religions, concerning to the life and works of Jesus, and his true message to mankind. Personally, I believe that this work allow us to reconsider on our way of seeing reality, improving our attitudes toward others and being aware of the need to get closer to God; without changing our beliefs, convictions and religious principles. Below some of the most relevant and key ideas in the development and transmission of this message. 

To live is to awaken, to return, to weep, to dream, to see and not to see, to want and cannot, to fall down, to get up, to know and to ignore, to wake up in the darkness, to talk without words, not to highlight, to hate, to love and to stop loving, be loved and let to escape, to see dying and know that you are going to die, to work without knowing why or what for, to give you, to caress the smallest one, not to wait anything in return, to smile at adversity, to let beauty embrace you, to hear and hear again, to contradict oneself, to wait like it was the first time, to get entangled in what you don’t want, to desire, to trust above all, to rebel against all and against yourself; to let do and especially to look at sky.  

Living is the opportunity to do and feel things that you’ll never do or feel again. To live so nobody tells you; so keep in mind that life is the most valuable gift that has been entrusted to you to experiment. 

Live the good and the bad, but live, because this human experience is unique. The soul keeps everything, feed your soul with the gift of imagination, that is the salt of intelligence…If you die imagining, you’ll not know that you have died. Dream as much as you can, dreams are messages from God that make it grow. It’s said that the dreamer lives longer, because to dream is to walk a step ahead of reason. Listen to the whispers of the messengers that are intuition, logic and reason. 

To live is to doubt, it’s characteristic of human nature, Doubts are inevitable, they are pushed by life itself. To doubt is a triumph, because the beginning of wisdom isn’t fear but doubt. To exercise doubt is to nourish the soul; who learns to doubt, respects, admits your mistakes and especially the mistakes of others.   

Jesus of Nazareth proclaimed that he didn’t come to impose, only to reveal that God is a Loving father, who needs neither written laws nor prohibitions. He came to teach us with his example the true meaning of living to love and serve, starting with the neighbor; because we are brothers, children of the same father, we’re all equal. No one inferior to anyone, all superior to all; And with a common destiny… Arrive to the Father.   

And as children created by the genial imagination of the “Father”, we must walk with security and trust, not with fear. If you have hope you have everything. Therefore, trust, always trust on the will of the Father, with the thought that everything in life happens for something good, even the bad. Think and believe that the best thing has happened to you in life, is only an abbreviation of what he reserves for you, because the most beautiful thing is always going to happen.


The Father wants us to be light, to be perfect, but tomorrow…today is enough with rebirth. Let fear be a thing of the past; because fear and hate have no possibility in your kingdom. Those who hate are only afraid. Be born again, leaving aside violence, because to use violence is to go down the steps toward the most primitive of the human being. Only in imperfection there is violence. Be born again, not judging, even if you are right; because judging is as dangerous as sleeping stand up; because each one limits to give full account of your mission in life. Don’t defame, for not to be defamed, don’t sow darkness; Therefore It’s necessary to unlearn for being born again.   

With this reflection about the Trojan horse books message of JJ. Benitez, I’ve wanted to manifest and share some of the wonderful ideas exposed by the author in telling the adventures of the protagonist, Jason, in his trips to the time of Jesus of Nazareth; and as his messenger, announce the truth that hasn’t been told or was distorted by the four evangelists, about the public life of Jesus, his family relationships and his personal life, but even more important, the true message of the Father to humanity; because according to the words of Jesus: “ The truth is so incomprehensible to our limited human nature, therefore, it’s only convenient to whisper it. And who has ears… listen” The writer doesn’t write to convince, only to insinuate, to help, to illuminate. The truth isn’t sold, it’s not shouted, it´s not discussed. The truth doesn’t force… It only whispers; because each one will experience the presence of Father in due time.   

I also want to invite you to read these fabulous books of Trojan horse. Just start reading the first book, it catches you. I assure you, that it’s nothing boring, because the author with his magical narrative makes you interest in continuing to read and leads you to reflect. Many questions will arise in your mind about your faith, your beliefs; Ideas that you considered true according to the religious conviction that was inculcated to you; but which aren’t so. It’s a work capable of moving you the floor, because “Nothing is what it seems” as the author says.  

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