대만 남서쪽 태평양 바다에 샤오류추라는 아름다운 섬이 있더군요.
자전거로 2시간이면 둘러볼 수 있는 작은 섬이었는데, 1월에 가니 날씨도 상쾌하게 딱 좋았고 비수기라 그런지 사람이 없고 한적하여 더 없이 좋더군요.
이제 좀 붐빈다는 생각이 들기 시작한 제주도 보다, 나는 이제 이 섬을 더 그리워하게 될 것 같습니다.
There is very beautiful coral island on the south west of Taiwan.
You can reach there via Ferry from 'Dongkang 東港' port.
The ferry fare is NT$410 for both-way and the ticket is valid for 3 days.
In the island, you can rent motor bikes or bicycles.
In case of me, it took about 2 hours to around the whole island by bicycle.
In end of January, the temperature was about 15~18C and feel fresh.
Hotel room charge was NT$2000~2500 that feels much expensive than Taiwan main island's.
There are many buses to 'Dongkang 東港' from Kaoshung 高雄 and the near cities.