hi there it's Yogesh today I want to give you ten tips to live better!number one move around more even if you despise going to the gym get outside! Go for a bike ride to work, walk to work. When you go for a walk do it really risk. Walk like you are late for an appointment if you do that three to five times a week for 20 minutes that can make a big difference if you have kids get them outside playing some sports with them bottom line we are not meant to be sitting still all the time!move around!Number 2 move around at work doesn't just sit in your seat for eight hours straight and make an effort to get up every 30 minutes whether you set an alarm on your phone use cues like when you get an annoying email stand-up even just standing up for five seconds can make a difference but sitting for three hours straight will definitely cause problems long-term. Number 3 stress less. You need to get your stress under control it is a silent killer! One really easy tip to get the stress levels down next time you feel all tight and anxious taking three deep breaths bring that air all the way down into your abdomen the way we were meant to and then blow it out and trust me you will feel some relief from that. Techniques like yoga orexercise, meditation, these can all help as wellNumber four catch some z's almost all of us in today's society are not gettingenough sleep even if we are sleeping long enoughour sleep quality is not gooda couple tips to improve on your sleep would avoid bright lights before yougo to bedwhat does that mean shut off your phone your laptop if you have to watch TVdim your screen so that it's not so bright and try and avoid bright lightshalf an hour before you plan on going to bedthis can make a big difference for you as wellblackout your room there should be no lights in your room your alarm clocklights are sometimes really bright try and get those blocked or dimmed and getthe windows totally blacked out with blinds or curtains. Number 5 nature nurture again we were meant to be outside immersed in nature as many of our ancestors were. Unfortunately, in today's society, most of us are living cities and there may not be that many opportunities to get immersed in nature-studies have shown that for those that go for a walk in the forest your stress level go way down and your creative thinking can go up. It's a great stress release and it just feels good to be out in the fresh air and in a natural environment. Number 6hello sunshine! For whatever reason there has been a war against the Sun in the past decade or so obviously we are concerned about skin cancer but we are designed to be in the Sun some people more so than others if you have darker skin pigment that means you need more Sunlight than someone who has pale skin but even people with pale skin do need Sunlight just don't get Sunburnt! Get as much exposure as you can without getting sunburnt - that can do wonders for your hormonal system as well as vitamin D synthesis it's the best source of vitamin D! Number 7Laugh lots!studies have shown that laughter does decrease stress hormones and as you know smiles can be contagious if you see someone else smiling try your hardest not to smile it's actually hard. There may be some truth to laughter is the best medicine so definitely try and incorporate humor into your day. Number 8avoid processed foods! Fast food or packaged goods - anything that you buy from the store that comes in a package is probably not healthy for you try and incorporate more fresh foods into your diet especially local produce but anything that is coming in a package or a frozen good - something that you put into the microwave to cook has very low nutritional value. Number 9increase your water consumption almost all of us are chronically dehydrated youcould easily change that by having water in front of you all the time nowspring water is best because it will have minerals in it but keeping thatwater in front of you all the time is a good way to ensure that you drink enoughas far as quantity goes we all vary depending on how much you're sweating orworking outbut it's safe to say that almost everyone could handle more waterin their diet on a daily basis it can also give you more energy you may notneed to have coffee or tea or energy drinks if you're drinking more water.Number 10 - decrease screen time and increase face time now I'm not talking about facetime on your iPhone I'm talking about face-to-face contact with family and friends we evolved over thousands and thousands of years in the company of family and friends in smaller tribes. Again to reduce stress levels if you go to a friend or family and speak to them about some problems that you're having its that face-to-face contact that is so valuable they can show empathy they can provide solutions just does not take the place of a phone call or an email you need that interaction face to face and that can do wonders as well for your stress and for just getting through challenges in your life follow these ten tips to better health and you should notice a positive change in your health very quickly!
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