Existing versus Living

in living •  4 months ago 

In active addiction, or untreated addiction and untreated mental health, we are existing, barely living life. Going through the motions, moment to moment, maybe hoping for the dreadful end to come. Maybe thinking there’s no end in sight. Maybe thinking life gets no better than this.

When we start treating our addiction and our mental health, we start living. We don’t just merely exist anymore. As Alcoholics Anonymous says, we don’t get well just to become a glum lot. We get to do things we could not do before. We get to go on vacations. We get to enjoy going to work. We get to be a part of society once again. We become useful and whole, like never before.

Although life might not change when we change, our perception changes. When our perception changes, everything around us changes. This has been my experience for the last almost 12 years, one day at a time. I must continue to work on my perception each and every day. Therefore, my perception starts anew every day.

What does your perception look like today? Are you treating yourself well? Are you a part of society today? Are you truly living?

Peace & love to all

~ KO

Photo Credit: Steve McCamey



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