The lizard brain, as one of three main parts making up the human brain, the other two being mammalian, so called man brain of the left hemisphere responsible for five senses perception and 10% of overall awareness and the other is the right feminine hemisphere, so called divine brain is where the big picture is formed within 90% of the otherwise dormant brain cells, hence paying 10% tidings true meaning, as Jesus taught to cast the net to the right side of the boat in order to catch the fish, a metaphor for wisdom, so, the lizard core part of that trine brain structure is the one that deals with survival, attack or flee responses, the archetype of the wrathful Demiurge aka the Administrator or the adversary worshipped by Moses and his following, who is really our fiery lizard beast competing for survival archetype, the lowest form of Consciousness manifestation in the workings of physical body endowed with five senses within the matterial plane of holos. When the the fear of survival is overcome relaxing the masculin left side of the brain to then pay attention to the right side of its divine feminine nature who sees the big picture therefore opening the third eye of perception with additional senses of intuition and telepathy along the already activated five senses. Hence the meaning of the lizard as master of survival, adoptation and transformation inherent and integral part of human metamorphosis from lower to higher planes of Consciousness.
"Did ancient people worship lizards? Are reptiles Gods? Why did ancient builders carve and pray to lizards?"