
in londonreal •  4 years ago 

We are under United Nations control. Fire break banning in America in the 1980's led to annual mass forest fires in places like California. Lockdown causes debt when people can't work, invest, buy, sell, rent, lease, trade, services, goods, to gather, to meet, to work, to eat, to do commerce, etc, and debt causes economic depressions globally, a silent killer. YouTube Live Experimenting. They drove around. 4 eggs.

Forest Fires

Why are forest fires scared of borders? Why are the fires not hoping across the borders of California, Oregon, Washington State, and other blue states, cities, countryside, counties, regions, communities, neighborhoods, forests, woods, jungles, mountainsides, etc, why are they not hoping over to other places? Fire breaks were banned in the 1980's in California which is a major cause of forest fires. The democrats and others did that. They're responsible. Also, arson or arsonists are paid by George Soros and others. Also, smart meters, geoengineering, climate change manipulation, and a number of different things have been contributing to the forest fires as well.

Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Oatmeal Joey Arnold can be found at https://hive.blog/@joeyarnoldvn and just Google my name @joeyarnoldvn in a search engine website, app, etc, via Google, DuckDuckGo, Bing, Yahoo, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, other places, to find me all over the Internet and beyond.

I'm a second generation American on my dad's side.

2020-09-14 - Monday - Weekly Photos - 143pics | Mirror

London Real

Facebook unpublishes pages.

Trump open to four-hour debate with Biden on Joe Rogan's podcast

Joe, You Give Us Other Joes a Bad Name

Why do you hang out with him?

Can you summarize your entire life in under a minute?

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2020-09-14 - Monday

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-09-14 - Monday
Published in September of 2020

Screenshot at 2020-09-14 16:35:24.png
Reminds me of Baby One More Time by Britney Spears

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Category | Community | Directory | Timeline | @JoeyArnoldVN | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @OatmealJoey


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

Forest Fires

01:05 PM - Hive

Why are forest fires scared of borders? Why are the fires not hoping across the borders of California, Oregon, Washington State, and other blue states, cities, countryside, counties, regions, communities, neighborhoods, forests, woods, jungles, mountainsides, etc, why are they not hoping over to other places? Fire breaks were banned in the 1980's in California which is a major cause of forest fires. The democrats and others did that. They're responsible. Also, arson or arsonists are paid by George Soros and others. Also, smart meters, geoengineering, climate change manipulation, and a number of different things have been contributing to the forest fires as well.


Information You Can Gobble

Right to Fight

10:47 AM - Hive Blog

I believe in taking down criminals and I will fight until the day I die fighting technocracy, monopolism, cronyism, fascism, communism, globalism, tyranny, etc.

Matrix Brain Phone

Elon Musk talked about getting a brain chip which becomes a monopoly over our own mind, a centralization of not just the Internet but of thinking itself. Facebook have attacked the business of Diamond & Silk, Prager U, and others.

Facebook vs Businesses

Facebook has damaged the businesses of so many people around the world and you are next. Facebook will get your business as it has to thousands already. If we don't stop Facebook before it is too late, you will be hit.

Giving Them Pressure, Hell

Yeah, I agree, we always have to try to put as much pressure as we can on them.


A personal data and privacy protection act has no meaning as governmental agencies like the CIA and others around the world uses programs like PRISM to spy and monitor and copy the Internet traffic, the transactions, private emails, anything and everything from major internet service providers (ISP) and global service providers (GSP) all around the world. That is a violation of the 4th amendment. Governments around the world have been copying and mirroring Internet activity, content, transactions. They read private emails, messages. They are violating alleged privacy acts. You need to remember that the so-called personal data acts are as effective as Covid Lockdown masks. In other words, they are only making things worse.

Grey Zones

Yeah, there appears to be grey zones. Some of it comes from a lack of an Internet bill of rights and some of it comes when corporations or companies collude with governments to create an environment that violates free market trading. In other words, they cultivate crony capitalism for example. I'm against crony capitalism or in other words, fascism.

Home School Diversity

11:07 AM - Hive

When I was in home school, I was socializing. Now, keep in mind, there are different ways to do homeschooling or unschooling depending on who you ask. There are many ways to socialize and it depends on the needs of each individual student, what he or she needs at any given time according to the developmental stages of a student.


Some home-school classes include more than one student. You can get the whole neighborhood together and have ten students per class. In other words, home school can appear to be like a private or public school. A major difference can be that home school can be more decentralized in the curriculum, the flexibility of the transaction and the competition between students and teachers, more leverage, more control, more accountability and responsibility. Education should be put on the free market as much as possible in order to minimize the monopoly of education.


Some monopolies can be dangerous and absolute power from and in monopolies can corrupt the people involved absolutely.


Kids can socialize in home school or after class. I was in a homeschooling club and we would have meetings on Sundays, Tuesdays, Fridays, depending on the week, there are different things. We would play. We would meet at a house. There were dozens of families and kids of all ages, from 1 year old to like 15 years old or older. But most of them were around 5-10 years old when I was there.

Homeschool Field Trips

We would go on field trips to parks, factories, stores, to learn how they make pizza or how they make other things. I was also in other clubs. I was around so many people all of the time. I was homeschooled and then I would go outside and play with my friends in my neighborhood. There are kids all around.

Oatmeal Gone Wild

When I was 8 years old, I would ride my bike by myself all over the city with no adults, many miles, any time I wanted. I had so many adventures and then I grew up. I was born and raised in 1985 in Oregon, United States of America. Oregon is between Seattle, Washington and California on the west coast. I went to college in New York. I worked in Hawaii. I taught English in Vietnam for 5 years. I would travel. I was learning how to grow up and travel as a kid. I would learn how to socialize even while in home school.

Good or Bad

Many people on Steem, Steemit, Hive, and other places, write about homeschool. People make videos about it too. It partly comes down to how you homeschool. It can be good or bad depending on how people do the homeschooling, same thing with public education.

Rowling is trending because some people must have gotten mad at something she said.
Twitter is Racist
We can escape slavery.
Why did you guys ban fire breaks in the 1980's?
Making Montana Montana Again
Smash Bros is pretty addictive.
Yeah, Harry Potter is a little overrated. A better story would be Star Wars or Lord of the Rings.
'Jeopardy!' is protecting Alex Trebek at all costs during the plandemic pandemic

Lockdown is Unconstitutional?

06:54 PM - Twitter

What??? Did you say lockdown is unconstitutional?

You don't say.

Stopping Big Tech

11:38 PM - Hive

But they didn't create it, it was created by DARPA through the CIA and other agencies. Look at the history of the Internet for example. Look at the CIA program called Life Log which ended the day Facebook started for example. Well, unless if you're referring to deep state and what they create, in which I understand your concern.


You Are What You Eat

Health Deception

11:27 AM - Facebook

Chloe Heselius wrote:

For those of you trying to be ugly about this- cold/flu season is right around the corner. The last thing you want to do is weaken your child’s little lungs with prolonged smoke inhalation. That damage could easily make a typically survivable illness into something that puts your child close to their deathbed. All kaylee is trying to do is spread awareness so you have absolutely no right to be all up in arms because she cares about your kids when you apparently don’t 🤷🏻‍♀️


However, it's not that simple. Yeah, forest fire pollutes the air. However, you need to keep a larger perspective on things. There are multiple things happening simultaneously. What is happening and the choices are not binary but subtle. Try to be as healthy as you can. Don't let the control freaks continue to brain wash people into giving up more and more freedoms, rights, liberties. The list goes on and on. They're trying keep up in Covid Lockdown forever. We can stop forest fires via fore breaks, via combing forests, woods. We can continue to do many things to fight and fix problems. We need to keep an open mind.

Trump Biden Joe Rogan

05:58 PM - Twitter

People who hosted the debates in 2016 voted Hillary Clinton.

But that didn't stop them.


Learn English You Can Eat

Wont be happy until David Lyonz, Joey Oatmeal and Hien all come back and are made Admins. - Craig Anderson


Hive Blog vs Facebook

I do not design websites. Hive Blog is just like Facebook but with something like Bitcoin as an exchange. Well, I may design websites sometimes but I was saying this to a person on Telegram who said that I did in reaction to me saying I do Hive. SHe or he probably doesn't know anything about Hive. So, I tried making a contrast.

McDonald's English

Facebook unpublishes pages.

Screenshot at 2020-09-14 10:27:11.png
Screenshot at 2020-09-14 10:27:23.png

Big Lies

11:56 PM - Hive

Yes, 9/11 was an inside job just like Alex Jones said it was on that very day back in 2001 and also months before too.

Are You Ready To Become "Human 2.0"

Coronavirus Hoax: The True Victims [eng/срп] Коронапревара: Истинске жртве

Satellites launched to link us to bitcoin blockchain without using wifi and the coming covid second wave



01:52 AM - BITCHUTE 100,000 SUB CHALLENGE: Win 250 Dollars!

Why do people use apps instead of web browsers on phones?

I don't know. I prefer web browsers over apps.

The 100

2020-09-14 - Monday - 02:12 AM - 02:56 AM - The 100 407

Acid rain. People burn. Clark talks to mom about exposing people to radiation as they try to create a cure to it.

You can't save somebody who doesn't want to be saved.

The Rubin Report

09:30 AM - Using Fear to Get Americans To Give Up Freedoms (Pt. 1) | Candace Owens | POLITICS | Rubin Report

There was a death ticker for Covid in March of 2020l if not earlier as well. I was writing about Covid at least since January of 2020. I wrote about natural remedies.

Mark Dice

09:41 AM - Old Joe BUSTED!

Joe Biden: "Turn that back on."
Joe Biden: "Move that back up."

The PT Channel

09:59 AM - Fear The Walking Dead Season 6 Morgan Trailer Breakdown & Discussion - What's Up With Morgan?

Could be that radiation counteracts the zombie condition.

I don't die says Morgan. And even when I do die, I don't.

Vitamin C, D, Zinc, is the natural remedy to Zombie Corona Virus.

Perhaps, we will see Morgan turning into a walker, from his perspective. ​@Bud Borne, I would love to see it but not from his perspective. Sacrifice somebody else on that alter.

Red Guy

10:09 AM - Alex Jones Show - First Hour (part 1) - September 14, 2020

We are under United Nations control.

Fire break banning in America in the 1980's led to annual mass forest fires in places like California.

Answers in Genesis

01:09 PM - "Lets Burn A Church" - Answers News: September 14, 2020

Pythons break through ceiling; Evolutionists wrestle with dingo origins; Amazon expands censorship of one viewpoint; Police warn pastor not to offend gay pride mob; Geneticists admit loss of information drives variation (but still trust "Nature" to produce information); Researchers check more than 10 million star systems, but find no aliens; California lawmakers reduce penalties for pedophiles; Seattle closes park, so Christians worship in the street . . . and other stories reviewed during this episode of Answers News.

"With his mouth the godless man would destroy his neighbor,
but by knowledge the righteous are delivered." - Proverbs 11:9

2 massive pythons fall through Australian man’s ceiling

The Elusive Dingo

Amazon bans book outlining ‘health hazards of homosexuality’

Pastor told not to offend gay pride as mob threaten to burn down his church

By Losing Genes, Life Often Evolved More Complexity

E.T. missing? Astronomers come up empty looking for technological signs of life in 10M star systems

Cali Passes Bill to Soften Criminal Penalties for LGBT adults who have sex with minors

Seattle Bans Christians From Worshipping in Park, But Then God Intervened

Honeybee venom destroyed breast cancer cells: Study

Photo by Jenni Jones

Watch https://Answers.tv
Answers in Genesis videos, live streaming, and more—all in one place.

Please help us continue to share the gospel around the world: https://AnswersinGenesis.org/give

General Shepherd

05:50 PM - The Alex Jones Show Mon 09/14/20 2nd Hour

Native American Indians would burn down forests to keep the brush under control. When you fail to have fire breaks, then the fire breaks you and your forests and states burn down.

Ron Gibson


Ancient people, leaders, like that of the Mayans, some of them knew a bit of astrology, astronomy, science, and would use it to manipulate people. They could say to the commonfolk that the sun would go black. They would probably not say it was due to the moon eclipsing it. They could get people to gather and have kids ready to be sacrificed when the moon would go in front of the sun. They could get the people to beg for the murder of people, their own people, even the murder of their own children, sometimes even thousands of children at a time. They could time it out to have the killing right before the moon moves out of the way. After that, the people can see the sun return and believe they saved the day and that they have to do that each time or else.

YouTube censors London Real's website.

YouTube, on behalf of the United Nations and the NWO, is blocking top universities and scientists who are simply stating facts, statistics, numbers, details, evidence, to what is happening with the 2020 Covid Lockdown.

London Real

Lockdown Depression

Lockdown causes debt when people can't work, invest, buy, sell, rent, lease, trade, services, goods, to gather, to meet, to work, to eat, to do commerce, etc, and debt causes economic depressions globally, a silent killer.


07:10 PM - President Donald Trump's Latinos for Trump Roundtable in Phoenix, AZ 09/14/20

How we doing?

We're winning says a lady off-camera.

Ahahahahaa, that had me laughing out loud, iterally, lol.


The White House

12:52 PM - President Trump Participates in a Bilateral Meeting

2019-03-27 - President Trump Participates in a Bilateral Meeting with the First Lady of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela . At the end, after being asked by the press, Trump said Obama Care was too expensive, an average of like $7K for individuals, for families, they would have to pay to get bad health care. People go bankrupt trying to afford the individual mandate. It is bad in so many different ways. Trump said he inherited a mess with all these different countries, the problems, the Middle East, North Korea, Israel, Syria, China, Russia, Venezuela, it shouldn't have beeen allowed to get that bad in the first place.

Андрей Кочуров

04:19 PM - Alizee - J'en Ai Marre


09:00 AM - Saved By the Bell reboot. It was like the original series in this dream of mine, unlike what I've seen in promo trailers and commercials, it was an ordinary sitcom as opposed to a drama. The new kids, the new class, are walking down a school hallway. It is diverse, all colors, white, black, brown, etc. 2 or more black boys, like 16, walk towards their lockers and then an old African American janitor man walked towards them from the other hallway. They were at the T intersection where the two hallways met. I thought the actor was Morgan Freeman but then I started thinking it wasn't Freeman and must have been an original actor from the original show or a well known actor I've never heard of. THe kids said something kind of cleaver at first to themselves, like one boy was like, "I am what I am because if I wasn't, then I wouldn't, and that is all there is to it." Well, I am not exactly sure what he said or what the boys said in general. THat is just a guess. The janitor man walked by and had some cleaver comeback, like, "But how do you know you are what are if you don't try to be all that you can be?" Again, not the exact words but I remember a bunch of like puns or play-on sentences as they talked back and forth and debated. They talked like in code in a way. Like the famous who is on first comedy thing from the 1900's. Oh the second is on first. Wait, who is on second, oh wait, first? Wait, not exactly. I don't remember how that one goes. In the dream, there were words like "Wasn't" and like "I am" and things like William SHakespeare would write for the modern day, to be or not to be but as a teenager in high school. That was the entire dream, all that I remember, those boys walking to the locker and then sparring with the janitor about the meaning to life as kids. The attitude from their mind was that they were simply whatever they were in life and the older janitor was trying to get them to think about opportunities they have in life, like don't become like me kind of thing. Well, maybe not exactly that but he was totally trying to get them use their brains. I was excited for the reboot for like an entire second until I realized it was just a dream, as the famous song which Mary Kate & Ashley Olsen sung, life is but a dream.


09:26 AM - Rejected blueberry pancakes, crumbled. Orange. Banana. Coffee. Picked up sticks in the backyard, the big trees, by the road near the big garage, towards the fence, on the book shed side, around 12:00 PM or closer to 11:30 AM for like thirty minutes or less. That was after washing dishes for 20 minutes or so. 12:30 PM. Going through my new camera I bought at Walmart this year. Been going through the settings the last 30 minutes or less. Now, it's 12:39 PM. Thinking about writing an ASOV Oatmeal 2010's outline. Cloudy day or it must be the forest fires caused by globalists. Sprayed out an ice box, a bucket, plastic grocery bag, a cardboard box, a plastic bag, a few things like that, containers, bags, a pan with a lid, containing expired and growing potatoes, onions, some dried up, some stinky, some with liquid, some which was in the house some days ago. Burried the food near the compost near the front door. Took out compost, garbage, recycling. No mail as of 2 PM or so.


02:00 PM - 4 scrambled eggs on a frying pan. Took a few minutes. Dumped it on a few cups of cherry tomatoes. The pepper is making me sneeze. Like Candace Owens, I got allergies and allergic reaction to stuff too. Maybe not the same stuff but stuff still. Now, it is 02:19 PM< still eating while watching Answers in Genesis news. Was the live comments disabled? How do I enable them? YouTUbe live was not working on Dissenter. I went onto Firefox, they worked. Went back to Dissenter and got them to work. Had to take down the blockers. Live comments still are not showing up. Somebody wrote on Reddit the requirement for YouTube live stream chat replay is 1000 subscribers and like 400 hours of watch time or something. I cannot say if that is true, especially the 1K subscribers part. But it could be true that YouTube requires that. But I just don't know why live chat appears disabled on my channel. They got back around 05:40 PM.

Live Chat Replay Disabled?

YouTube Live Chat Replay disappears on my channel, I didn't disable it. So, what's the deal? Do I have to have 1K subscribers to enable comment replay?

08:30 PM - 10:00 PM - Nap

Infuencing the World

11:50 PM - Hive

How does the 100K red-pilled leaders filter through the 150-200+ countries, nations, territories, islands, places, etc, globally, or is that not the most important factor when compared to how influence spreads, etc?

Sophiee_Ann 2015-01-26 Joeyarnoldvn Oatmeal Joey Arnold Oregon JSA OJawall JA Forest Grove OR FG FGHS WOLBI SA TSA The Salvation Army Vietnam Saigon Hanoi Joseph Scott Rasp Morehead Cunningham Mitchell Hunter Smith Hocking Hawk Lincoln Hawks WA Washington Shelton New York NYC Word of Life Bible Institute ABC YouTube Facebook Twitter Google Alex Jones Bill Gates Informationwar Infowar Ironic Mystic Pickett Pickell Joeyarnold Joeyarnold7 JoeyarnoldTV iJustine Metal Gear USA United States of America 1900's 2000's stefan molyneux clam conspiracy theorist donald john j trump soros hitler Cool Kid Ghetto Joe Jo high school revolution hawaii ea pab l4oj l4ojsa l4r hope over dope infowars west virginia vn asia American English Teacher Add Me 1980's 1990's 2010's 2020's 2016 Michael Jordan Jackson Jesus God Devil Satan Nationalism Over Globalism Bowl Soul Oats Battle Star Wars Trek Matrix JA GROUP YEAR END PARTY PIC.jpg
Who is Oatmeal Joey Arnold?

President Trump has 'Protest' meeting in Nevada, and the locals are Thrilled!

History in Precious Memes & Messages - #19b

The Importance of Consciousness

Trump, you are so sick for creating Cuties.

Wicked Space Pirate

2020 Slogan

Don't underestimate the 100+ million fake votes coming against Trump in 2020.

People With Hilariously Creative Life Hacks

What will happen if Donald Trump doesn't accept the election result?

Bring back ten more Lord of the Rings films. RIP JK Rowling

Joe Rogan can do it on his own show. That would be better, more direct, without the terrible commercial interruptions.

They cooked ET. Damn you. Damn you to hell.

It is with heavy hearts that we must announce the CANCELLATION of this year’s Country Christmas Bazaar due to COVID-19 health concerns and the public gathering restrictions put in place by Grays Harbor County and the State of Washington. - Country Christmas Bazaar - Sarah Meyer - Post

Joe Biden, where you at?

Any places besides pizza places deliver food here in Shelton? - Steven Leal

Jenielynn Wilkinson, I'm pretty sure its illegal to homeschool other people's children in WA state. You need to be registered as a private school. - Veronica Silberman

Is there anyone that would be able to watch my two boys twice a week? They are 9 & 6. - Jaleesa Czerwinski

Anyone know what’s going on downtown Shelton right now?? - Codie Dean

MOPAR and ALL CAR enthusiasts join us on Friday @ 6pm at McDonald’s in Shelton! - Angie Sakai - Post

Need to hire someone to clean the gutters on a two story home. Holler at me! - Vanessa Wasman

If anyone else needs any kind of done. I'm the guy for the job. I have two jobs one on Saturday and Sunday next weekend. Let me know - Timothy Moniere

Just a heads up: the air quality has been rated as hazardous across the west coast...Oregon, now has the worst air in the world. BUT THAT IS A LIE AND IT HURTS OUR IMMUNE SYSTEM AND MORE. TO BE CONTINUED - Kaylee Ann is echoing fake news and more

Please post COVID-19 related posts in this thread. We are getting an overwhelming number of posts. - Cassandra Rhoades

Facebook unpublishes pages.

Nutrition is life. Amen.

Personal Responsibility is a Clear Pillar.

​@Jean Michel , how many people were in Las Vegas for Biden on Sunday? Meanwhile millions were there for Trump, if not more

You can't answer my question because you have not seen the video. But that is not the only video you have not seen. https://banned.video

Why do people use apps instead of web browsers on phones?

@Jean Michel, What did Hillary Clinton say in a video to Vox a few days ago?

Corona virus misinformation by the so called experts!

Mr. Bean Actor Rowan Atkinson is standing up against hate speech bill. This bill ...

Get Vaccinated and get chipped!

The most important interview you'll watch this year (and in 2021): WAM - G. Edward Griffin - Final Stand Against Tyranny

"Due to COVID-19", "To Save Lives", "For Your Safety", "Play Your Part"

Army For Trump

Quick, get Michael Jackson on the phone, I need to change my face.

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London Real

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