7: Look Up (Documenting Geoengineering)

in lookup •  6 years ago  (edited)

November 15/2018 Hacketts Cove, Nova Scotia, Canada

Last week @phoenixwren asked if I would take some photos really close together in time, to watch what these 'straight line clouds that come from airplanes' do (my words, not his). Today, I did just that, so let's #lookup.

I took the shots about 5 minutes apart. First I will show you the South through the 15 minutes, and then the West.


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11:23 am

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11:29 am

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11:33 am

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11:24 am

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11:29 am

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11:34 am

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11:39 am

I don't know if that really showed anything @phoenixwren. I need to get up on a hill or out to Peggy's Cove to really be able to capture the sky better, I'm so limited here with all of the trees and the wind was blowing everything around pretty fast. I'm sure you can definitely pick out the straight clouds (some as straight as the wires in the sky eh lol!), and see that they are spreading out/growing/getting smutty lol. Now I will show as the day progressed, it's gonna get messy...

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Artificial dimming. Filtering the sunlight. That white shit I call #chemsmut when I get really pissed off.

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Thanks for deciding how much direct and pure sunlight we get today. #coonts. Take your vitamin D everyone lolololol ;) Buy Buy Buy! In all seriousness though...there's a Vitamin D deficiency epidemic happening in North America right now. Search it. It's true.

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Oh, a rectangle cloud, how sweet. Reminds me of this rectangle iceberg I saw the other week, did you guys see that shit lol? I think @jimbobbill posted about it.

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For those of you who don't know my story. I documented #geoengineering in Canada for many years, and took a respite. I haven't focussed on the sky since 2015, instead I rejuvenated myself by focussing my lens on this world's beauty. Recently I decided enough is enough! It's time once again, to #LookUp.

During some of my time documenting this crime against all life, I ended up with 30 albums full of photos, as I travelled from one coast of Canada to the other, and then back again. The photos looked at the skies, and plant life:
My Photo Documentation of Geo-engineering in Canada 2012-2014 (30 Albums)

If you are a part of the "it's only water vapour" crowd, there is a video I made below just for you!

I encourage you to watch it, and let me know what your thoughts are afterwards.

Thank you for witnessing what I see and hearing my observations. I hope you #LookUp and post your findings on the #STEEM blockchain as well.

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It's often tough to prove geoengineering, because contrails and chemtrails look so similar and when someone starts raving about all trails being chemtrails, it only serves to make all the evidence look a bit crazy. As Phoenix says, contrails disperse over the course of about half an hour, whereas chemtrails just spread and linger for the rest of the day.

Then clouds themselves can take on some pretty amazing forms. In cooler countries where there are often clouds it can be a tough call to distinguish whether it's vapour or chemical. These photos certainly make it a tough call, because there is plenty of movement in the clouds happening. Although the smoky haze is odd looking. I'd be thinking bushfires if it wasn't in Canada!

We don't get chemtrails in South Australia, but @andyfishman photographed some very interesting rainbow clouds over Canberra in Australian Capital Territory, so I'm guessing the country is not immune.

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you know..i cannot remember the last time i saw a blazing bright natural sunset..there always seems to be this grey haze that drops around the horizon just before sunset..incredible pics!

Not sure where you live, but I see a blazing bright natural sunset everyday that the sun is shining. I watch it slink down over the horizon all four seasons of the year. Time to move?

Oh! Your camera is a lot better than mine! Haveta come back to read this l8r and get my sky posts up too! 💕

Saw them in Oregon.

I've been seeing geoengineering (chem-trails) since the 1990's in Oregon. Thanks for sharing. It can be tough to help people see the problems. Some of this may be related to the 2018 Californian fires.

Islamic Californian Fires

By the way, ISIS claimed responsibility for the fires. That may not be the whole story. They may have helped, maybe. But other people are probably involved as well.

Stranger Than Fiction

History & events are rather muddy & complex. So, we kind of have to be patient with people when trying to help them see what we see.

I'm so far behind with you and really need to catch up. This is a big move, however, and it's taking more time than anticipated to set up a house over here, but...

I am trying to get back to a schedule.

I hate when I see these chemtrails. When I am at Toad Hall, where we have a pretty good shot of uninterrupted view, you can really see them.

I'm not sure how prevalent they are here in the UK, but I do know that the second I get here I find that the food, even at a chain grocery store here, is so much better. Not only better tasting but finding things without palm oil or unhomoginzed milk, yoghurts and cheese made with full fat unhomoginzed milks local vendors in local game (phesant, partriedge venison) is so much easier. In fact when I am in MA we are not ALLOWED to buy unhomoginzed milk unless we go to a local farmer but they cannot 'transport' it to us, we have to go to them. Here it can be found at any local shop.

We live in odd times, it's scary sometimes to feel so powerless, but we must do, as all the rabble have done before, keep our heads down and keep living and try to smile along the way.

Mmm the food sounds so much better in Europe, no matter who I talk to, what are we doing over here uck! I heard they add sugar to the milk in the US, they haven't started doing that here yet, though I wouldn't doubt it's on the way...

Great to see you Donna, sending you LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!!

"Rectangle cloud" made me LOL. That's actually really sad, but I needed the giggle. 😂
The bit that my book said was that if it's a water vapor contrail, it can last for up to a half hour. So if you see it last longer than a half an hour, I would be putting my questioning cap on! But, it didn't go into too much detail; I presume they mean it stays a line for up to a half hour. I don't know if that "smear" counts in the time measurement, or not.
Either way, it can only be useful to have more information, whatever it reveals. We need to do a steemit fundraiser to get you a time lapse camera!

My GF here in Nova Scotia just joined and she's a sky watcher, and has a vehicle! So soon we will see some better documentation from Nova Scotia! <3 @kimcanadiancares is her handle!

Followed her! :)

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I was furious yesterday. After a horrific week of snow that hasn’t even melted yet, we finally had a forecast for sunny days and high enough temps to melt the snow and ice. Then they cover the sky with their white streaks and the next thing you know it’s an overcast day. Thankfully it’s so dry here that they still couldn’t ring any moisture out of the sky, so it eventually cleared up and we had a nice day today despite them. No words for how I really feel about it.

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Thank you for watching the sky @indigoocean, I hope you can join our little documentation mission next time you see em up there!

#lyndsaybowes, nice shots. To be honest I don't know what geoengineering is, but I will read about it.
What do you mean take your vitamine D? What we have to do? Go out breath a fresh air, walk and do some sunbathing?

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Yes, here in North America all the dr's and nurses are making everyone take Vitamin D, and give to newborn babies especially. I couldn't believe how much they pressured me about getting the vitamin D drops (medicine) when I had my 2 youngest sons (2010 and 2011). ... Yet, in 2004 when I had my first son, no dr's or nurses said anything about needing to give him Vitamin D. So it is a relatively new epidemic.

I make my children play outside and eat vegetables and fruits. That is their Vitamin D. I do not give them medications.

In our grandmother's time everyone got their Vitamin D from fish. Every nation got fish from somewhere and they gave children Cod Liver Oil in the darker months. (no it is not availiable in a fish stick or a fish burger from McD's). It is a fact and I have talked to hundreds when I worked in all those stores. Even from the Caribbean..everywhere. We now sadly have an entire nation of people who have incredibly low Vitamin D levels. If we check out food sources we will see where we can get some from. Minerals as of themselves are becoming incredibly depleted from our soils. Then you have all the yahoos who feed their families junk. should do a post I guess

(no it is not availiable in a fish stick or a fish burger from McD's)

That made me LOL~! And in seriousness, I'd love to read a post by you about ways to get natural vitamin D <3 <3 Hook a Sister up!!

Yes. I really should..it is afterall what I do and what I am about. I think I lost my Mojo Lynds. gotta get it back. Run, cook...post...repeat

My neck would get sore looking up so much I think. The video started to make me feel dizzy!

I am sure it is not just vapour but not convinced governments are crop dusting us with chemicals to turn the friggin' frogs gay....

No, they're not trying to make the frogs gay...
They're trying to build up the albido of the sky to reflect more of the sunlight before it reaches the ground and causes more warming than is already going on.

Yes I know I was trying to be funny.

Very serious topic I am happily learning about.

I’ve never been one for conspiracy theories of this nature, but sometimes I wonder.

It'll all come out in the end...

I get so frustrated when I see the chemtrails and living in Penticton for almost 4 years, really opened up my eyes, when some days I would see 8 chemtrails all at the same time over the track I was running on. It really freaked me out and got me so mad. The chemtrails would last to about 10-15 minutes or maybe even longer. I wish I had a better camera to take the pictures of it.

It's really confusing and upsetting, for many reasons. How are the skies in El Salvador @joalvarez?

I have watched a lot of "persistent contrails" spread out into linear clouds in the past ten years. Before that time, I never payed much attention to what was going on. In the past several years, I've watched them criss cross the trails to build up cloud banks and tie cloud systems together. They, whoever "they" are, have a lot of weather modification capabilities that most people don't believe even exist.

For sure, cloud seeding is an open thing, when I lived in Alberta Canada, they were doing it with the public's knowledge. We all know HAARP is real (even though they have said they shut it down a few years ago...) and you can take geoengineering at Harvard ffs...

It's not much of a conspiracy theory, more like conspiracy fact.

They don't really need HAARP any more now that they have tuneable doppler radar. They can do pretty much the same thing to the clouds with it that they were doing with HAARP before.

Quality photos and good work Lyndsey - whatever people choose to believe or not about these trails it is very obviously un necessary pollution of our air and that is reason enough to fight this for our planet ❤️🦋🍀🌈🌴

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

The matter isn't believe or not believe. it's not a religion. the fact is...have you ever WATCH the sky with your eyes?Have you ever notice something strange or different from the past? Do you have a brain able to make a logical reasoning? If yes, so how you can explain, for example, a trail that brusquely start and stop?interrotta.jpg
A trail that appear not symmetric from one side to the other?
And why sometime one can see a plain with long and persistent trail, one with a short one and one that not produce such a trail????

I wasn’t speaking for myself - I do know what is happening - I was merely trying to get others on board any way possible ❤️🍀🦋🌈🌴

Ok and my message wasn't an attack on your thinking, I'm sorry for that. But was an attack on common thinking. I hate the expression "Do you believe in chemtrails?" I just wanted to underline the fact that, the matter isn't believe or not believe, but is to open eyes and start to watch the sky, because the sky is part of our life and instead the majority of peolple spend their time watching on the screen of their phone!!! The universe is huge and they are focused only on a 10cm^2 screen!!! it's unbelievable!!!
So I appreciate your intention.

I totally agree with these sentiments - thanks for taking the trouble to follow up your first comment 🌈🍀🦋❤️🌅

Thank you for commenting @lallo :) Appreciated!

It's a pleasure for me! Keep going with your job.
Bye ;)

Thank you for caring @SallyBeth23 <3 <3 Love you SiSTAR <3 <3


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All the picture came out good, I always find figures in clouds

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