in loretta •  8 years ago 

This is the text of her video:
“I know that this is a time of great fear and uncertainty for so many people. I know it’s a time of concern for people, who see our rights being assailed, being trampled on and even being rolled back. I know that this is difficult, but I remind you that this has never been easy. We have always had to work to move this country forward to achieve the great ideals of our Founding Fathers.
“It has been people, individuals who have banded together, ordinary people who simply saw what needed to be done and came together and supported those ideals who have made the difference. They’ve marched, they’ve bled and yes, some of them died. This is hard. Every good thing is. We have done this before. We can do this again.”

Here's my question:
What "rights" is she talking about ? Since Donald Trump took office, I have not noticed that anyone has lost any rights with the possible exception of the pedophiles and maybe some of the satanists. There have started to be some arrests made, and people are noticing how kids have been disappearing in droves to be used as sacrifices or sex slaves by the Washington elite., unless of course, they get their news from mainstream fake news, because they aren't saying a word about it. So it's probably getting a little harder to come by kids to mangle.
Representative Steve Scalise was involved in the crackdown of pedophile rings just as an aside. I'm sure it was a total coincidence that he was targeted.

The only other right I could see her in fear of losing is her right to freedom, should she be tried and found guilty of exactly what the dems have tried their hardest to pin on Trump. They failed, but in the process, Comey said that she did the same thing Trump was being accused of.
And....as it turns out, Mueller did the same thing that he is trying to go after Trump for: According to former Georgia Congressman Bob Barr, now special counsel Mueller said nearly the same thing to him during the 1995 Congressional investigation into the 1993 stand-off in Waco, Texas that resulted in the deaths of 76 members of the Branch Davidian cult.
Barr, writing in his 2011 book, “The Meaning of Is: The Squandered Impeachment and Wasted Legacy of William Jefferson Clinton,” recounted a phone call with Mueller, who was then working at the Justice Department, in which he asked Barr not to “go too hard on these guys.”

So what I'm seeing here, is a sick game of musical chairs, where dems are so eager to continue to line their pockets and live their sordid lives, that they will do pretty much anything to get Trump out of the way. They use the mainstream media to egg on the weak-minded regressives to keep the pot stirred enough that maybe SOMETHING will fall their way.

This is just my opinion, but we have mainstream media outlets, especially CNN egging on the violent dems with their bought and paid for regressive, biased swill. You may ask yourself, why the people who used to be known as liberals are so prone to violence lately. I think the answer is intellectual laziness coupled with a general sense of anger over things that are out of control. Their arguments are lacking in cohesion and message so instead, they just start screaming that you're a racist, or a hater, and then they start looking around for the nearest handy tool of enforcement to get you to stop challenging their stance. The stance differs a bit dem to dem, but there is a victimhood theme underlying with most and that seems to be what the more powerful of the regressives are using to bait the less powerful regressives into witless action. And somehow, the younger and more dependent people have been almost hypnotized to believe that Trump is the cause of all the world's problems.

It is not the Fed printing money since 2008, causing our dollars to be worth 2 cents compared to 1913 dollars. No, don't pay any attention to that. It is not that Congress bailed out the banks with taxpayer money so they could continue to gamble and lose with your hard earned dollars or that congress doesn't follow the same rules or even have to live with Obamacare as you do. No, don't pay attention to that either. It is not that the deep state wants to keep us in perpetual war because it benefits them financially. Especially don't pay attention to that. Or the mercury in the vaccines, or the chemtrails, or the GMO crap Monsanto has been allowed to feed us and the farmers they have put out of business. Don't look over there, look over here. It's Donald Trump that's the problem.

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