Why 95% of Diets Fail and How You Can Actually Lose Weight

in lose •  2 years ago  (edited)


This article will cover 5 strong reasons why diets fail and how you can achieve fast weight loss that is both safe and healthy. Recently, a study was taken on what’s going happening in the weight loss industry, only to find that 95% of weight loss diets fail (Cohen, Ph.d 2009).

You’re told that, in order for weight loss, you must do 60 – 90 minutes of physical activity each day and eat a balanced diet (Surgeon General of the USA 2010), if it’s really that simple, why are 68% of Americans overweight? (Lancet Journal of Medicine 2010)

This article, will be covering the following 5 points:

Carbs are NOT the Enemy and Carbs ARE the Enemy
Diet Results DON’T LAST
You should avoid diets that recommend calorie or point counting
High Protein/Low Carb Diets Screws Up Your Health
An Important point to remember: at the end of this article, you’ll know which diet that actually works – so keep reading!

  1. Carbs are NOT the Enemy and Carbs ARE the Enemy

There are two types of carbs, simple carbs such as sugar and complex carbs, such as pasta/fibre/rice. Let’s talk about complex carbs first, they are not the enemy! You need them in your diet for these reasons:

They give you on going energy
They keep you fuller for longer (which reduces your need to snack)
They help keep you regular (make it easier when you need to poop)
They reduce risks of colon cancer
They help regulate blood sugar levels
and much more!
The problem people have with complex carbs is that they eat way too much. It’s all about portion control.

Here’s a great example:

The recommend serving size of pasta (a complex carb) is only half a cup, when you order pasta at a restaurant, you are serve 4 cups of pasta!

Complex Carbs are not the enemy, ridiculous portion sizes are the enemy! (Miller, RD LDN 2011).

Now let’s talk about simple carbs:

Simple carbs are the enemy. They create massive spikes in blood sugar levels, your body’s natural response is to increase insulin levels. As a result, the foods high in sugar are stored as fat (O’Brian Ph.d 2011) The science is a bit more complex than that, but you get the idea, simple carbs are bad.

  1. Diet Results DON’T LAST

The problem with diets, they’re only short term. A study by Harvard School of Medicine researchers found that 80% of people on a diet, over a three year period, actually put more weight on. Meaning, they lost weight at the beginning – after a few months, they gain it all back (and then some).

The reason for this is simple, with a diet, you’re restricting the foods that you eat, so once you’ve lost weight, you go back to your normal eating habits and thus, gain weight. (Surgeon General of Michigan State 2010)

An interesting study: researches at Flinders University, in Adelaide Australia, found that dieters who changed eating habits by following a smart meal plan, were 27 times more likely to experience weight loss over a 3 year period, compared to those that followed a crash diet.

Simply put – sustainable weight loss is the key!

  1. Avoid diets that recommend calorie or point counting.

Calorie counting is one of the worse methods to lose weight, simply because it’s not practical for you to be weighing and measuring all the foods that you eat. An average recipe contains 8 ingredients, are you really going to stand there and measure all the calories in 8 ingredients before you cook them? You might when you start the diet, but over time, almost everybody gives up.

  1. High Protein/Low Carb Diets Screws Up Your Health

Diets such as the Atkins diet promote high protein, low carb meals – which can be extremely bad for your health, usually, all protein sources are high in saturated fat, which can cause clogging in the arteries. It’s actually recommend by the American Heart Association to limit the intake of saturated fat to less than 10% of your daily intake.

By limiting the amount of Carbs you eat, the end result is you feel lethargic and constipated, which is not much fun. In fact, 60% of your daily intake of calories should consist of carbohydrates and the majority of that 60% should be complex carbohydrates.

  1. Diets are EXPENSIVE

An article published in the Wall Street Journal estimated that Americans spent 32 Billion Dollars on diet and health food supplements. Obviously diet supplements are not helping if 68% of Americans are overweight. (Lancet Journal of Medicine 2010)

The problem with these is as soon as you stop buying the food, 98.7% of people regain the weight (Tann, 2011). These types of diets have a higher failure rate then other general diets.

In short – don’t waste your money on supplements or shakes or health foods or pre-packaged meals or pills.

Here’s what to look for in a diet!

From this article, you can conclude that there are 5 main points that you should look for in a diet, to ensure that you are one of those 5% of dieters that succeed.

  1. The diet must acknowledge that sugar is the enemy. It should also list foods to avoid that have the potential to spike your blood sugar levels.

  2. The diet must NOT be a diet; rather, it should be a selection of meal plans. As we’ve discussed, diets don’t work in the long term.

  3. These meal plans must focus on a variety of foods. For example, don’t use a diet that only recommends boiled cabbage. Bad idea.

  4. You must be able to adapt the diet to suit your own needs. (E.g., if the meal plan recommends a food that you don’t like, you don’t have to eat it)

  5. A diet that recommends you buy supplements, shakes or pre-packaged meals is NOT a diet you want to use!.

Which diet works?

After careful consideration, we concluded the diet which meets all these criteria is a diet, is the Keto Diet.

The easiest way to start a keto diet is with a customised keto platform from: Custom Keto Diet. It allows people to create their very own keto diet plan based on their food preferences, daily activity levels, height, weight and target weight goals.

Custom Keto Diet use scientific research and proven studies to create personalised ketogenic diet plans that maximize fat burning via the correct calories and macro nutrients for each individual.

To start your Custom Keto Diet, take the keto quiz by clicking the button below:

The customer keto diet plan is available to access immediately after payment.

An eight-week meal plan created based on the expertise of certified nutritionists, personal trainers, and chefs.
Meals that have calorie and macro nutrient content tailored to your specific situation and goals.
A nutrition plan with food variety to ensure you will get a wide range of nutrients and boost the likelihood of sticking to your diet.
Meals that are based on personal food preferences to make your diet enjoyable and help you stay on track with your plan.
Detailed recipes with step-by-step instructions to make meal preparation super simple (no prior cooking experience needed).
A downloadable shopping list each week that details every needed ingredient you will need in the upcoming seven days.
Options on how you can customize every meal even more to suit your taste buds.
It will show you what to eat every day to reach your goals in the fastest and most enjoyable way.

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