Fun in Fiji

in lost •  5 years ago  (edited)

Rooftop pool.webp

Catarina did not want to be late for her flight however the time was ticking down and the only bag she could find to pack was an old favourite from her early school days with a familiar hand drawn picture of a bunny rabbit with the nickname CAT beneath it and the faint outline of a small love heart and the single initial R from her childhood crush. R for Romeo a slightly older, shy and yet adorable boy that would carry her books for her and help her with her school work. “No time to day dream” she thought to herself. If that is the only bag then that’s it. Throwing her weekend clothes, a bikini and an assortment of dresses to go out with the girls and some essentials into the familiar bag, she smiled and hurried to catch her flight, leaving behind her working mother of two life temporarily for a rare and enjoyable weekend of fun and mischief with her girlfriends.

It had been months since they had all been together, she missed them and the fun they would often get up to. Flirting with and teasing some of the guys that would try to pick them up, it was always so much fun. What went on, “on tour” stayed “on tour” was their pact. For her it was worth every moment. Even just thinking about it now as she bundled herself into an Uber was making her excited. She loved the company of her girlfriends and she loved the attention of men what better way to spend a weekend away.

Soon all of them would be together. Two full days leaving work and her domestic life temporarily behind. Just what the doctor ordered. Time to de stress and live a little.
She literally drifted through the airport on a cloud, the flight to Fiji seemed swift and the next thing she knew she was at Nadi International airport staring anxiously at her phone screen when the text message came through.

“Devastated !! Flight Cancelled 😡 next flight arrives tomorrow morning, the three of us will see you soon. You can always start without us (winky face)”

Shattered !! her excitement for their first night of fun now in tatters, she grabbed an Uber and headed alone to the Resort where they would stay. She changed quickly and found herself at the bar ordering her first drink for the night. The barman was friendly and picking up on the fact that she was a little down without her girlfriends suggested she head out to the upper deck by the pool where she would be able to take in the sunset. “Can you make my glass of champagne a bottle, I plan on being out there a while, she said with a smile “
“One bottle of champagne coming up”, he said returning her smile.

A splendid idea. She was in no mood for company, the upper deck would be empty so she could be alone and she knew the bottle of champagne would be the perfect answer to drown her disappointment.

Right on queue the Sun presented itself and then dipped slowly below the horizon, the colours were amazing and she was into her third glass of champagne by now. Life was certainly starting to brighten up for her as she sat in the shadows in the corner of the upper deck. Totally and comfortably alone with only herself as company.

Relaxed she now rested her head on her arms and drifted temporarily off to sleep.
The sound of the pool gate clicking was not loud, but it was enough to wake her from her sleep and the erotic dream that was playing in her head.

It was quite dark where she was however the full moon offered plenty of light now as it reflected off the surface of the water.

She was feeling very tipsy, and horny as her eyes adjusted to the silhouette of a business man now standing at the edge of the pool fully clothed in what appeared to be a suit.
Looking around quickly and then at the pool he instinctively reached for his tie and began loosening it. First the tie and then his jacket, then shirt all removed and dropped to the ground standing bare chested and eager to be in the pool rather than at its edge. Another quick look around and his shoes were being kicked off one by one then his trousers, his socks and with one final look and grabbing the waist of his boxer shorts he slid them to the ground leaving himself totally naked in the moonlight. Physically fit and well built. The excitement of his preparation for a skinny dip was obvious. He cock stood proud.

It had all happened so fast Catarina had not had a chance to announce herself or move so he could see her there in the shadows leaving her no alternative other than to sit back and enjoy the show.

His body looked magnificent in the moonlight, strong and muscular. An athlete of some kind she thought to herself.

Raising his hands above his head his dive into the water was effortless. So naked the cool water rushing against his body he surfaced and began swimming laps, his stoke smooth and powerful through the water. She wanted to get a closer look at him as he slid through the water and feeling tipsy and a little mischievous she began to remove both her shoes leaving her feet and legs bare but still fully clothed in a simple yet sexy dress that fell sexily to her upper thighs. Although tempted to strip completely and dive into the pool with her new found nudist friend she opted to walk around the pool and sit on the edge strategically between him and his clothes. She was going to have some fun of her own.

The water temperature was perfect for a swim she thought to herself as her feet and legs slid stealthily in up to the top of her calf muscles. So close to her new nudist friend totally absorbed in swimming his naked laps.

Just as Catarina was about to lose patience and begin splashing the water kicking her legs in the pool Mr nudist glid to the edge of the pool very close to where she was sitting and stood up. It did not take him an instant before he was acutely aware that someone was sitting patiently observing his every naked movement. Not trusting his eyesight and rubbing the remaining water from his eyes he looked again in the direction of Catarina. Taking in her beauty, her high cheek bones and long black hair and instantly becoming aware of not only his nakedness but also the fact that she now sat with her cheeky smile between him and his clothes.
Feeling obliged to state the obvious she calmly opened her mouth and said, almost accusing him. “ You, are sooo.. naked. “

The pause after her words seemed to just hang in the air. Her statement of his reality and his inability to do anything about the situation sinking in and forcing him to decide on his next course of action. He was not one to back down when faced with adversity.

“No shit, Sherlock” came his Aussie accented reply with a smile. Openly admitting to himself and his new voyeur that he was in no uncertain words “screwed”

“Do you often take advantage of completely naked men and hold their clothes hostage?” He asked, desperate to find a way out of his predicament.

“Only the ones with raging hard-ons”, she replied her eyes wide and excited looking down in the direction of his cock that could now be clearly seen through the crystal clear water to be in an erect or otherwise aroused state.

She was momentarily his match and he knew it. However his initial embarrassment was now replaced by the confidence she now gave him. Her obvious interest and excitement in his cock. A strategic blunder on her part. If she was trying to maintain the upper hand in this dialogue between them.

“I am glad you noticed”, he said “I was thinking maybe, just maybe you may be able to assist me with that. He has been embarrassing me all day and I thought a swim would cool things down. Alas the water does not appear to be cold enough and well, quite frankly you are not helping either. If anything you appear to be making matters worse.”
“Worse?” She replied. “Well we can’t have that. “I think I have just the cure you have been looking for” she said, standing to her feet. “Room 410” she announced confidently over her shoulder as she left him, standing trying to figure out what had just happened, very naked in the pool as she disappeared through the poolside door, her shoes held by their straps hanging over her right shoulder.

Maybe tonight would not be a disaster after all, she thought as she entered her room. She estimated that she had about 5 minutes before there would be a knock on her door. Five minutes to prepare herself for Mr Nudist and his very erect appendage.

Almost five minutes on the dot there was a knock on the door. Right on cue as she looked through the sight glass. He was dressed and eager, standing in the resort hallway, looking quite eager.

“Who is it?” she asked as she opened the door, her body naked beneath the see thru nightie she was now wearing.
Looking initially at him deliberately unfamiliar. “Oh, it’s you” she said. “I almost did not recognise you with your clothes on”.

Once again her words hung in the air playfully as she turned and made her way back into the bedroom suite allowing him to follow her. The door latching behind him as he walked barefoot into the room.
“I hope you are open minded” she said. “The cure I have in mind for that raging hard on of yours is a little unorthodox.”
Turning she helped remove all his clothes and pointed for him to lie face up in the centre of the bed, with his proud cock facing upward. His cock was glorious. It stood a good nine inches tall and just enough girth for her to imagine the sensation of it against the inner walls of her pussy. Its colour pinkish in the soft light with the a noticeable blue vein snaking down its entire length. Stepping up onto the bed she now stepped over to position her feet strategically on each side of his body looking down at him. She could feel the warmth of his body through her ankles. The look in his eyes was priceless. The most beautiful woman he had ever met was now standing above him for all intents and purposes naked but for a wispy see thru nightie.

Then when she could take the suspense no more she began to lower herself toward him. Her fingers feeling for and parting her pussy lips. Already wet and dripping with her juices. The look of his solid cock sitting erect and begging to be fucked acted like a spell for her. Morphing her into her lustful alter ego. What was it about the site of a magnificent long hard erect cock that made her so crazy with desire?
Taking it in one hand, enjoying the heat now radiating from it and sliding the bulbous head into her opening. Stopping for a moment to enjoy the tension and sensation of the head nestled inside her. The sensation filling her mind and body with ecstasy. Pure ecstasy. Allowing her body to now slide the full length slowly into her as she lowered herself. So deep. She then slowly began to ride his cock she was once again in control.

He enjoyed every moment of the game she was playing however this game was a game for two people and it was now his turn.
Using his strength and grabbing her arms he sat up pushing her backwards onto the bed. He was now in control. Her body all his. His to pleasure. He had been playing the game and yet he knew that with a girl this beautiful there could be no cure for the affliction he now had.

Her head now over the edge of the bed and his cock driving deep into her pussy he was in heaven and the sound of her moaning gently was all he needed to hear to know that she was loving every inch of his cock.

She felt it immediately. His body freezing mid thrust. Looking up she saw his eyes now transfixed. On what, she could not be sure however she followed his gaze to where her bag was lying just beyond the foot of the bed and then back to this full grown masculine man now somehow familiar to her. Too familiar.
“CAT?” Her nickname issued as a question from his lips.
“Yes”, she said. Everything about his surprise now starting to make sense.
“Romeo?” She asked, already knowing the answer.
His smile said it all as the hunger in his eyes melted to pure love. The thrusts of his body no longer instinctive but rather with passion and purpose, now pure.
Their fantasy now playing out in real life. Childhood sweethearts reuniting as passionate lovers. Their bodies drenched in perspiration. So much passion as if bottled for all those years now unleashed.

Who would have thought?

So crazy.

The End

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