GORDON STEEMIT LOTTERY :) win $ - free ticket , everyday game :) withdraw Paypal :)

in lottery •  6 years ago 

hi, I want to do the first and
the biggest lotteries on steemit :) GORDON STEEMIT LOTTERY :)
Anyone who likes the daily post has 1 lottery ticket. everyone has equal chances, there are many wins. Wins paid by Paypal transfer

Ultimately: 80% profit per win, Draws daily recorded on the live monitor, Winnings on Paypal.

If my post earns $ 20 in earnings, $ 8 will be drawn to players.

Follow the lotteries - WE BEGIN FOR 3 DAYS 12/03/2018 :)


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Great post.

invite to lotery, start 12.03 :) i hope my lottery is seccesfull :) thanks