DENOUNCE & DEJECT & DETEST: Deceptive devils and deceitful demons are deliberately devising + dispensing deadly drugs and dopes. Villainous vicious viruses as viable vaccines - vaccinations. Tyrants tactical toxic treatments. Commercialized concocted chemicals called clinical cures of curses, of infected U.S. Citizens as a common collective who contacted Cauc-Asian China’s “Coronvirus – Covid-19” Contagions. Formulated for faith following fools. As humane healthcare causes, and remedies. Psychopath U.S. President Trump & Vice President Pense, predatory profiteers $$$ = perpetrators purposely pushing psychotropic pharmaceuticals, pollution poisons, upon people of the United States; hereon, North America. Programming personages through persistent press publicized propaganda. Planning to test thousands of humans as bribed – brainwashed bio-bodily beings with faulty and false-positive test results. Laboratories of sinister scientists – Satanists – sadists – sexists sorcerers. Some seriously sick Sociopath Saxon sex Slavers, submissively serving the slave ship System SATAN!!!
DAVIS’ Divine Decreed Dietary Detox: Dutifully daily destroys the Damned Devils’ destructive demons doing deleterious damages. Delivering deaths and demises!