This is just a little test that I used to perform in my mid twenties. If I was at a gathering, bar or party, I would scan the room for a pretty face. When I was sure she had acknowledged my interest I would smile. Often my smile was reciprocated or she would look away. Mostly the latter.
I would then move to another position in the room so that I could still see where she was looking and wait. Often she would make a casual glance to where I was standing and not seeing me there would start to search the room. I knew at that point that she was interested. No psychology involved just simple connection and observation. As soon as I noticed she was looking for me I would look away. The final move is to glance in her direction and catch her looking. As eyes locked the smile is completed and if there is a similar reaction and a return smile then a direct walk in her direction is the only course of action. It’s great because you can say hello as if you have known each other for some time. Confidence grew and I could mouth ‘what’ to a girl, and this would increase the intrigue. I became so adept at this that my friends would tease me and call me the lounge lizard and comments like, ‘here he goes again’ and ‘how does he do it’. I never let on my secret as I was in competition with my mates always. In those days we were bachelors and could date anyone. It wasn’t until we got engaged that multiple girlfriends would be considered unfaithful. Today with couples just living together as a unit, commitment is implied as soon as you are dating more than once. The bachelor has all but disappeared and with it the freedom to see more than one girl at a time. Being able to tell a girl that you can’t see her on Friday because you had a date with a girl named Jane that night did not deter . Strangely, it created a greater desire to be the one that you were seen with.
Nowadays, I would be labeled a misogynist by Misandrists. But at the end of the day by allowing a full relationship outside marriage has been a female decision to control the desires of men. Multiple dating is no longer a choice and huge mistakes followed by breakup is the result. Sadly, this more than often involves innocent children born outside wedlock. Incidentally I have been happily married for over thirty years.
I have studied the physical signs of interest and often concluded that they were often wrong. That awkwardness can often disguise a signal. We are all different and attracted to people for many different reasons including pheromones and certain chemical reactions that sometimes defy the eye. I guess that nature has found a way to ensure those that are not amazingly attractive are mated with those that are. Gene pool assured for the future.
My advise to anyone is to forget about looking for secret signs. Work on being interesting, always decide what you are going to do and where you are going to take them. Never ask ‘what would you like to do’? It is so weak. Do what you want to do and see if they find it fun too. Make them laugh if this comes easy to you. Never, take a piece of paper out of your wallet with jokes to read. You will never recognise the signs that she thinks you are a dork, as at this early stage she will be polite and laugh at anything. She will not however be laughing with you but at you. Some will suggest that you be yourself. These are usually relatives who know you and can overlook the things that only they can be aggravated by. Find out from your family what your weaknesses are and work to get rid of them. If you know yourself then you can work on the best side of you.