I believe eros dwells in our innermost being as the spirit of creative expression. To me, eros is a great path that we must walk, a song we listen to, a game that we hunt and enjoy, a lesson to learn, a garden where flowers bloom, a prodigious puzzle to solve, a book to read, a chapter to write, and an ocean to swim in. That’s what eros is to me.
Read a poem at a time, or two, or all, but give them time to sink into your heart. Read them again, read a portion, and stop and ponder. Visualize. Take it slow; let the poem show you what lies in your own heart. Let it fuel the words from within. Poems are word paintings. Poetry doesn’t belong to time. That’s why often you feel as if poems are speaking directly to you.
You are a reader, and therefore a thinker, an observer, a living soul who wants more out of this human experience.
Love is inherently erotic.
~ Salil Jha