Take Heart: We Walk THROUGH the Valley

in love •  4 years ago 

I have been memorizing and reciting Psalm 23 since I have encountered God’s comfort in the midst of my distress. And earlier this morning, I was reading it and paused when I get into this verse:


From this verse, the adverb THROUGH caught my attention. Before I get into it. I would like to share my reflection about this verse.

First, everyone, regardless of who you are or who you think you are, we all have our fair share of challenges, distresses, anxieties, worries and fears. So, if you think that others don’t have and you are the only one going through something, then wake up, get real and open your eyes. One thing that I have learned in life, when we focus too much on ourselves we will surely get into such an unending cycle of deceptions and defeats.

Second, there is the valley of the shadow of death which means that it is a SHADOW not death itself. A shadow of the enemy can not do us any harm but it makes us believe that whatever we are into is hopeless, or worst we are in the pit of death of no relief. Are we so naive of the shadow that cripples us to see the light at the end of the tunnel?

As I continue, let me talk about the word THROUGH. Because of this word my heart is filled with such delight. THROUGH is an adverb (preposition) which means moving on one side and out of the other side. Isn’t great that yes, everyone has a valley of death, but we are not to build our houses there. We are not meant to stay there. We are just to pass the valley of the shadow of death. It will come to an end. There is hope and reason to hope because we are to walk THROUGH the valley of the shadow of death.

Now, tell me if you know my story. Tell me if you know what I have been through. I know my story, I don’t know yours. I don’t have any point of comparison because as I said we have our fair share of the valley of the shadow of death. But one thing is certain, “I (WE) WILL FEAR NO EVIL FOR GOD (YOU) ARE WITH ME (US). GOD’S (YOUR) ROD AND (HIS) YOUR STAFF THEY COMFORT ME (US).” There is His guidance only if we WALK WITH HIM.


To end, may this be our response - let’s be honest with Him and ask Him to shine light into our darkness. He is the way, the truth and the life.

Thanks for reading and God bless you always.

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Amazing! It's inspiring. :)

Thank you po. ^_^