Common fame in online love

in love •  7 years ago 

It's no longer new to social networking or to love the dating site. But the person who loves you online is telling you the truth or lying? If the person of the choice is deceiving, he will lie. One study published last week has found that some of the most popular of online dating is false.


This study published in the Journal of Communication reveals the degree of lies and what lies about the users of online dating apps.
For this research, Professor Jeffrey Hancock of the Stanford School of Humanities and Sciences of the United States and David Markovitz of Stanford Social Media Lab examined more than 3,000 messages of 200 participants. They know how much truthfulness is online, it is seen from these messages.
Researchers at the online dating app or social media see the message between the new people and the first time they meet. It shows, two-thirds of the people did not lie even once. 7 percent of all messages were false. And those falsehoods are not so damaging.
But these falsehoods were the same. To make ourselves more attractive, small lovers say lovers and lovers. These falsehoods have increased their height by two inches, telling lies about job position or having a love interest in their favorite movie.
Some people said falsehood to get away from online love. These lies are said so that others do not get hurt.
The research had some limitations. Based on the information given to the participants, information about which message is false and what is true. As a result, they are not really sure about whether or not they are telling the truth.

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