Light of Love

in love •  7 years ago 

WhatsApp Image 2018-02-02 at 11.41.15.jpeg

Terkadang cahaya cinta tak sampai mata,
Namun tak menjelma buta,
Kau pergi tanpa sapa,
Lari tanpa rupa,
Mengasihi yang kau suka,
Merindui yang kau pinta,
Dan sekarang langitmu mencemburui perasaan ku yang tak senada,
Teruslah bersama ku yang kau anggap sempurna.

Sometimes the light of love is not to the eye,
But not incarnate blind,
You go away without hello,
Running away,
Love what you like,
The one you love,
And now your sky jealousies my uncomfortable feelings,
Keep up with me what you think is perfect.

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