Beautiful waiting

in love •  7 years ago  (edited)


My name is Laura. Just call Rara. Right now I'm 15 years old. I'm studying at Sma Angkasa Jakarta. It was in this school that I understood the meaning of friendship and compassion. Everyone likes my grief at this school. I have a close friend of his name Radit. Radit is the perfect figure for me. He has many shortcomings. But my love covered all the shortcomings. Until I can not see the flaws. Radit who strengthens me as I again have problems. And vice versa. Every day, my BB is full of fuel from him.

Arrive during the class increase. I really hope the results of my rapot require me to enter the science. Because before Radit already promise that if I enter the science, there will be something. And it turns out my wish came true. I managed to realize Radit's wish. I was successful in science. Happy to be classmates with Radit again. But the response from Radit is not really good. When I nagih his promise, Radit even answered "not time". I try to understand and wait until the time comes.

Every BBM from Radit, always make me smile and laugh. Radit makes my days more meaningful. My loneliness filled with Radit's presence in my life.

One day, there was a third person in our relationship. Her name is Bella. Bella is her childhood friend Radit. As far as I'm concerned, Bella likes Radit for a long time. But Radit never chose Bella. Apparently to this day Bella still likes Radit. Events began when I know that Radit BBMan Bella same. And Bella admits that she likes Radit. It made me very emotional. Understandably that name must be jealous there must be jealousy. I'm the same Radit is not a pair of lovers. But I love the same Radit. I'm too afraid to lose it.

After the incident passed, the atmosphere began to cool. My closeness to Radit was starting to improve. Radit once said "I know Bella likes me for a long time, but you just calm down, I just nganggep he temen kok". Those words make me much more calm. Now I'm not afraid of losing Radit anymore.

My days are again filled with the presence of Radit. His great attention made me unprepared to lose it. But on tau nope? Although in BBM I just the same Radit really, honestly if in the real world we like people who do not know each other. I'm just as radit really rarely chatted together. Though we are 1 class. if met, most just lyrics-glance doang. Communications from heart to heart (hahahaha).

I always tell my mom about Radit. And it turns out mama supports my relationship with Radit. Because since Radit, there have been many good changes in me.

Once, something happened between me and Radit. Suddenly Radit BBM, "you like not the same as me?". I replied, "not like but dear". That night I was completely confused with Radit. I do not know why Radit suddenly asked that. After I reply so, Radit immediately replied "we temenan aja ya". Then I answered, "why so?". Radit replied, "We are not good suits, my friends also do not agree if I was with you". The night was the exact night of the week. I was cried to Radit. I'm still not sure why. That night I'm also BBM's close friend Radit. I was right. That's not the real reason. It turns out that night Radit really wish I came to his friend's birthday party. But I did not come because on the same night, I had a show at church. I can not be absent from the church event because at that time my presence is needed.

Previously Radit already vowed, "if Rara comes, that's a good sign for our relationship. but if Rara does not come, then my relationship with Rara is not good to continue ". And I did not come. I can not say anything. It was Radit's decision. I can not force. But strangely, as there is hope for us to be back together again. And until now I still keep that hope. I believe there will be a miracle. if God had made me meet Radit, chances are there will be another miracle that makes Radit back to me. I do not know Radit still no sense or not the same as me. But from the look in her eyes, I'm sure she also keeps the same hope. That belief is what keeps me going until this moment.

I went back to my days without Radit's presence. I can not bear without Radit, but I believe I'm strong. Physically I am very close to Radit, because Radit 1 class with me. But feeling, Radit is very far, even farther than before.

Before high school graduation, the school held a tour event to Bali. And after that a miracle happened.
That night, Radit came to see me in the park near the hotel where we were staying. It was the last night of Angkasa High School in Bali. A few minutes, Radit and I just sat and stayed. Radit may be confused what to say. After a long time we just stay, Radit finally start the conversation, "Sorry ya Raaa" Radit said. "Sorry why Dit? You are not wrong anyway "I replied. My heart started beating much faster than usual. "Sorry I've missed you" Radit said. "Not papa kok, I understand" I replied with a smile. "Ra, honestly I still love you. I've been waiting for you for 3 years. You know why I've never decked you again? That's because you've said committed do not want to go out before going to high school. I'm afraid you'll break your commitment. So I try to wait for you "explained Radit. I just shut up and look down. "Look at my eyes Ra. I'm not lying anymore. I promise you will always be there for you "explained Radit again. "How do I get Dit?" I asked. "Want you to be my dear?" Asked Radit. "Hmmm" I thought for a moment. "You do not need to answer now why Ra, we have not passed (heheheh). I promise you there will be something if you enter the science? This is my promise. It's time. I wait for your answer when graduation later Ra "Radit said. And I just answered with a smile.

Arrive during graduation announcement. And the results I received were very satisfying, so did Radit. In the midst of the crowd, Radit suddenly came to me. "Laura, please be mine" Radit begged. "Sorry Dit, but this is not time yet" I replied with a sad face. "Why Ra? You already have another? "Asked Radit also with a very sad face. "Haha do not be serious so dong, relax aja (hehe). Meeting you is a miracle and having you is a fortune. (while holding both hands Radit), you are the most beautiful gift from God "I say with a smile. "You're my princess" Radit said with a smile and hugged me.

never give up in pursuing your love.
Because maybe "HE" is "Your True Love"

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