4 Tips to kiss your partner as an expert

in love •  7 years ago 

4 Tips to kiss your partner as an expert

A kiss can change everything in a courtship, because they are extremely important and reflect your feelings towards the other person. The pressure that is made with the lips of the other and the way in which you contract or separate them will make a great difference between them was a gesture that is worth remembering or not. When you have a relationship and are used to the way your partner develops when you express your love through this caress, any change will surprise you. For this reason, we brought you a list of tips that will help you to be an expert in that area

Reference Drawinglics.com

The kisses have been present for many years since the ancient civilizations and without any doubt, many things are expressed with this little caress. For this reason it is important to know how to master this gesture, that if you have a soul mate, you will know how to move together and everything that is said in a very natural way, without even trying. Now we will tell you some tips so you do not doubt that they are never forgotten

1.-Slow and fast kisses
After a while kissing can become a little boring, because it can become monotonous. However, if you apply different techniques, it will be more fun, for example, kiss fast and slow down will make your partner is surprised. This type of action must be done with care, because saliva is always present so it would not be very pleasant if there is too much involved. The moment you step in, grab her hair and give her a little massage, she will love it

2.-Biting kiss
Be careful, because not all boys like to be bitten. Once you know the other at the moment they are interacting, you can use this gesture or not. In many occasions they love him, in others they simply accept him and do not give him anything. This advice is for more experienced people and they usually have more time with their partner. This can invite another individual to go further, because it is one of the most inciting caresses, as it makes them think of other things.

3.-French kiss
The French kiss is probably one of the most famous, because you must use your tongue and play a little with your partner's. Although it is very satisfying, many people prefer not to do so. In fact, many dislike this kind of attention. The society does not accept much that the couples are in the street and having one of these caresses, because they can take it as something disrespectful. However, peak kisses or one or two normal, are not so bad seen

4.-Prolonged Kisses
This is one of the most important of the list, in fact, this will make you a great kisser and you will not be forgotten. A prolonged kiss will make you look like an expert, so do not hesitate to apply it as soon as possible. The average time of a good kiss is 2 minutes, of course, you can continue, but you can stop for a while and make some caresses on your face or neck. This kind of thing will let your partner rest, and so they can start over. So try to keep in mind that it could be a long period.

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