The 9 Great Mistakes To Avoid In A Relationship

in love •  3 years ago 

No, we can't go on like this." If you say or hear this phrase good dozens of times in relation to your most-of-everything or his mouth, it means that something is not right. The relationship certainly does not go from strength to strength and, with each passing day, for sure that bad habits made your union just... wither! So that this doesn't happen, here are several pieces of advice: avoid the 9 mistakes that undermine any relationship!

  1. Not Sharing Quality Time

If there is anything essential to making a relationship work, it is the time you spend together. Dedicating part of your life to friends and family is completely normal, but you should not neglect your partner. It is important that you find the perfect balance. Furthermore, and contrary to what many couples think, watching television together, for example, does not mean that they are, in fact, spending time with each other and enjoying time with each other. Marital interaction is important in the dynamics of love.

  1. Let The Charm Fade

As the relationship progresses in time, the compliments fade until they are practically nonexistent. It is true that the relationship has grown, each one knows the best and the worst of the other and they are more than sure of the future and the path they will have to travel together, but this does not mean that they do not have to remember certain things to each other - like that color that suits you or how beautiful your green eyes are - little treats that help the day pass more easily and, of course, with a smile from ear to ear. The opposite will only cause damage - even if small - in the couple's heart and will make the routine become a sad companion for both.

  1. Not Knowing How To Listen

Communication is vital in a happy relationship. But understand that communicating is not just talking. It is also to listen passively. It is essential and fundamental. However, your partner often needs your opinion, so listening passively is not nodding, nodding, nodding! Concentrate on the moment and dedicate that time to your partner. Poor or deficient communication creates conflicts that are difficult to resolve and overcome.

  1. Permanent Complaints

Constructive criticism is always welcome - not only in a loving relationship but also in all types of relationships. But be careful! They can easily cross the "line" and move from constructive criticism to malicious and constant criticism. This is something that wears off any relationship, rather than making it grow and evolve in a healthy and strong way.

  1. Try To Mold The Other To Our Image And Likeness

The pair doesn't have to be or do what you want! There are always certain characteristics in the other that we can only accept, without trying to shape our way. Focus on making your behavior and temperament better and that will be a much more attractive incentive than the strength of stubbornness. And so it may be that your most-of-everything changes for you and becomes, in your eyes, even better.

  1. Avoid Problems And Discussions

Discuss, discuss and discuss. Is it something you do regularly? The solution is dialogue. Many couples make the serious mistake of pretending to agree on a particular issue when, in fact, they are not. By not talking about the problems, then the dreaded discussions are avoided. This attitude is not good for your relationship, as, over time, this will cause resentment to grow in you visibly and without control. The best you can do is, in fact, talk. Face your problems and differences with maturity and share your feelings with each other, without reservation.

  1. Promises, Promises

The basis of any relationship is trust, so please promise. Promise what you can keep. Be realistic and prudent. Lie crumples delivery. Creases love.

  1. Putting Peer Loyalty To The Test

Surely it crossed your mind already? Do not test the love of others! The loyalty of the other... It will affect your confidence, the confidence of the person who is by your side and will not solve any problem.

Stop this kind of behavior! Avoid this type of behavior! And believe that your relationship, with your partner, will improve with the application of this advice!

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Muy buenos consejo, especialmente para toda relación que comienza.