Basics provides for the following basic functionalities and features:
Sign In
The functionality of signing in is facilitated by the use of MetaMask. You need to have MetaMask installed to interact with the website. Please visit to learn more about installing the MetaMask Chrome extension.
Marketplace displays the locks that have either been generated by the platform, or have been put on rent (coming soon) or on sale by the owner of the lock. Every lock has different characteristics of Romance, Friendship, Trust and Care. These are the elements that form the basic character of a lock and also allow us to generate 3,89,50,081 unique combinations.
Any user coming to the website is able to browse through the locks that have been put by people on the blockchain. Every lock is visible along with its characteristics, names on the lock, message, public photos, public letters and lastly the history and the ownership trace.
Currently, LoveBlock allows buying and selling of Locks. Coming soon, we would also be allowing you to put your locks on rent. A lock has the following additional capacities:
Photos: You can upload photos that are special to you and your beloved. You have the option of setting any particular photo as public or private. Photos can only be uploaded when a lock is put on the blockchain. In case of public photographs, users visiting your lock from the LiveLocks page will be able to view them. Private photographs would be mentioned but not visible to the public.
Letters: A lovely regard is incomplete until you write some great love-letters to your beloved. On LoveBlock, you would definitely want to store them on the blockchain as well. While putting up a lock on the blockchain, you have the option of writing a letter to your beloved and setting it as public or private, for the world to see (or, not to see).
In either of the scenarios - putting a lock on rent or on sale, you have the option of upgrading your lock’s storage capacity for Letters and Photos. This becomes one of the factors that help you sell your lock at a much higher price than what you have invested in it.
The Marketplace: Buy, Sell, Rent
The Marketplace has the entire repository of locks that are available for rent (coming soon) and sale. Every lock has its price mentioned on it. Marketplace facilitates Buying, Selling and Renting of a lock. The owner of the lock has the option to put a lock on rent or sale and can set the price as well as the duration (in case of renting).
A common instance of a scenario of a user’s interaction with the Marketplace can be:
User buys a lock from the Marketplace at, say, 0.01 ETH. User uses the lock’s blueprint to forge a new lock. User now can use one or both the locks to devote to his beloved by putting them on blockchain. Or, user may want to sell the locks at a price of 0.02 and 0.03 respectively, based on the varied characteristics of the lock. The above use-case clearly demarcates the use of the Marketplace to buy, sell or rent (later) a lock. This also depicts a classic instance of crypto-investments where the owner of the mentioned locks buys the first lock at 0.01 ETH, pays only the required transaction fee for the forging process, and then sells both the locks at 0.02 ETH and 0.03 ETH respectively.
LoveBlock allows you to forge a new lock by using one or more locks’ blueprint. This blueprint is what decides the characteristics of the newly generated lock. Since every lock has variable characteristics, forged locks tend to follow the base characteristics of the locks whose blueprints were used to forge the new lock.
An instance can be, suppose two locks with the following characteristics are used to forge a new lock: Romance (75%), Friendship (66%), Trust (52%), Care (40%) and Romance (50%), Friendship (60%), Trust (55%), Care (45%). The characteristics of a forged lock is determined by the averages of the characteristics of the locks whose blueprints are used. These averages are fed to a complex mathematical algorithm that ultimately decides the exact characteristics of the forged lock. A maximum of three locks can be used to combine blueprints to forge a new lock. In addition to the characteristics, the storage limits of photographs and letters also form the base for the storage limits of the newly generated locks. This also helps you determine the premium that you might want to charge for the locks you’ve forged.