Thus the picture of the most beautiful moments for lovers of Allâh Azza wa Jalla in the world and the hereafter. Compare it with the most beautiful moments of today's human! Then ask ourselves, "What do we consider to be the most beautiful moment of our lives?"
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Blessed is the servant of Allah who makes the most beautiful in his life when he is worshiped and draws closer to Allâh Azza wa Jalla. Blessed are the good news of Allâh Azza wa Jalla, which means, "Truly those who say," Our Lord is Allâh "then they establish their stance (beristiqâmah), then the angels will descend upon them (to give glad tidings)," Do not be afraid and grieve; and rejoice in the Garden which Allah hath promised unto you. We are your helpers in the life of this world and in the hereafter; wherein ye shall have all that ye desire, and that which ye shall have. As a food from (Allah) Most Forgiving, Most Merciful "[Fusshilat / 41: 30-32].
In another verse, Allâh Azza wa Jalla said:
(62) الذين آمنوا وكانوا يتقون )64( And the people of the earth are the losers.
Verily, verily, the wali Allah (lovers), there is no fear for them, nor shall they grieve. Those who believe and fear Allah. For them the good news of life in the world and in the hereafter. servant of Allah who makes the most beautiful in his life when he is worshiped and draws closer to Allâh is no change in the words of Allah. That is a great victory [Yunus / 10: 62-64].
Finally, we close this paper by invoking Allâh Azza wa Jalla so that He always brings His taufik to us for the benefit of Him in this world and the Hereafter, surely He is Hearing, Most Allowing prayer.[1]
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