Love tips for all๐Ÿ‘”lovers๐Ÿ˜

in lovetips โ€ขย  6 years agoย 

1๐Ÿ”›. Take your partner's breath away. Do something amazingly thoughtful and out of the ordinary and try to incorporate an element of surprise to it: a loving note tucked into a pocket. A special dinner on an otherwise ordinary night. A playlist made up with his favorite songs. These thoughtful acts will embed you in his memory.
2.๐Ÿ”œDo something special on a regular basis. Call him every day just to touch base for a few minutes. Make his favorite meal once a week. Once he begins to expect these things, you will always be close to his awarkness
image3....I want to be in your arms
To feel your warm embrace
It makes me feel so safe from harm
Plus, I love to touch your face
I love to look into your eyes
To look through your disguise
To feel your warm hands within mine
As our fingers gently become entwined.๐Ÿ†“
Your kisses so soft and sweet
Make me crave a thousand more
I wonder how your heart keeps a steady beat,
Because mine just soars.
finally i want to say love is like an opened freedom bird...๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ”š

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