Macau Impressions Travelogue澳门印象旅行游记14steemCreated with Sketch.

in luggage •  3 years ago 

A free port and one of the four major gambling cities in the world, Macau is a successful example of one country, two systems, with rapid economic growth and more prosperity than ever after its return to China on December 20, 1999. Its renowned light industry, gastronomy, tourism, hotels, and casinos have made Macau a long and prosperous place, making it the most developed and affluent region in Asia. Macau is also the most densely populated region in the world.澳门是一个自由港,也是世界四大赌城之一。1999年12月20日澳门回归中国之后,经济迅速增长,比往日更繁荣,是一国两制的成功典范。其著名的轻工业、美食、旅游业、酒店和娱乐场使澳门长盛不衰,澳门成为亚洲最发达、最富裕的地区。澳门亦是世界上人口密度最高的地区。
The Ruins of St. Paul's, one of Macau's iconic landmarks, is a must-see. Officially known as St. Paul's Cathedral, it is the Mother of God Church in Macau, built by the Portuguese in 1562 over several years and later destroyed by fire twice.大三巴牌坊,是澳门标志性建筑之一,是必去的地方。其正式名称为圣保禄大教堂,是澳门天主之母教堂,1562年葡萄牙人历经数年在澳门建起了这座教堂,后来两次毀于火灾,属世界文化遗产
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The Golden Lotus Square was set up to celebrate the return of Macau to China in 1999, witnessing the historic moment when Macau returned to the embrace of the motherland.金莲花广场是澳门为庆祝1999年回归设立的,见证了澳门回到祖国怀抱的历史性时刻
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Semba Pai Fong was originally St. Paul's Church, which caught fire at dusk on January 26, 1835, and this burned, but burned out of control for two whole hours. Fortunately, the most valuable front wall of the church was still standing tenaciously before it became today's Samba plaza三巴牌坊本是圣保禄教堂,1835年1月26日黄昏,因圣保禄教堂起火,这一烧,却烧的一发不可收拾,烧了整整两个小时。幸好教堂最宝贵的前壁还顽强屹立不倒,才成为了今天的三巴牌坊
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Once the official residence of senior officials on the outlying islands, the "Dragon Ring Portuguese Rhythm", one of the eight scenic spots in Macau, has been transformed into a museum.“龙环葡韵”为澳门八景之一,曾是离岛高级官员的官邸,现在改造成了博物馆
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The entrance of the "New Lisboa"“新葡京”大门口造型
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The A-Ma Temple in Macau is a place where there is an endless stream of good men and women. The temple is full of incense and the doors are full of people.澳门的妈祖庙,善男信女,络绎不绝。香火旺盛,门庭若市
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Asia's largest and the world's second-largest casino, the Venetian Macao Resort and Spa亚洲最大,世界第二赌场澳门“威尼斯人”度假酒店
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The Venetian Macao Resort and Spa, modeled after the Italian city of Venice澳门“威尼斯人”度假酒店,参照意大利水城威尼斯城市式样打造
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Macau streetscape澳门街景
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Macau street view澳门街景
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Macau street view澳门街景
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The Paris Tower was carefully built in half the size of the Eiffel Tower, so you can experience the romance of Paris.巴黎铁塔依照埃菲尔铁塔等比缩小一半精心建造,让你也能体验巴黎的浪漫风情
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"The Venetian" is themed on the water city of Venice, filled with Venetian bridges, small canals, and stone roads, full of Italian romance and exotic atmosphere.“威尼斯人”以水都威尼斯为主题,布满威尼斯特色供桥、小运河及石板路,充满意式浪漫的异国风情
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Macau, the city of gambling by night夜幕下的赌城—澳门
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Macau may be small, but it's a nice place澳门虽小,但环境不错
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Macau street scene澳门街景

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