Fuck It, Before It Fucks You # 71 (It's the thruggish ruggish Bone.

in lying •  4 years ago  (edited)

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Aw shit, It’s Friday night and I need to get a blog out. I did have this written before midnight, just not typed. Maybe just typing it would be more efficient, who knows? Anyway, so I’ve been having these weekly virtual Netflix parties with some friends for the last month or so. Tonight we started to watch The Invention of Lying, but got sidetracked for about an hour and just ended up watching an episode of Disjointed. Specifically the one about Olivia’s Shit Balls. That’s not relevant to anything, I just wanted to write it. And yes, I know that sentence could be an alternate title for this blog. In any case, it was the movie, or at least the first few minutes of it, that got me thinking about what the world might actually be like if people weren’t able to lie. That would probably have a radical effect on the development of civilization, wouldn’t it? How would governments even function? “Attention citizens! If you don’t do what we say, we will kill you!” The news would be about 15 minutes of relevant facts about current affairs. And I would hope shit like Coke wouldn’t be nearly as popular.
I’m sure this whole Coronis situation wouldn’t be nearly as bad though. I’m not saying it’s a hoax or anything like that. I’m sure it’s a real thing. I’m just saying the media has a history of exaggerating shit.. They like to keep you on edge. That way you keep watching, which puts you more on edge. . And of course the government is loving this shit because they can get away with anything right now. I mean, shit, we can’t even protest right now. Not that some people aren’t, but that’s another story. THe “intelligence community” is using it to push for more mass surveillance. But nobody seems to care about that anymore. Certainly not on the American “Left”. They were paranoid about it right up until Obama got elected. Then he made mass surveillance, drone bombings and endless war cool again. So cool that they’re even cool with Trump having that power even though they say he’s the worst thing since Hitler. They accuse him of not acting soon enough, but could you imagine how people would have reacted if Trump had ordered a nationwide lock down BEFORE we had a pandemic? It would probably be Democrats out protesting in the street.
Back in the Thirties, Democrats used to say “We have nothing to fear but fear itself!” Now they say “STAY INSIDE YOU FOOLS! YOU’LL KILL US ALL!” But I think there’s no sense in being afraid because we’re all fucked no matter what. Because viruses don’t go away, they just come back stronger. Frankly I think nature has had it with our shit, and if she wants to take out a sizable portion of us, you're little cloth mask won’t stop her. So when it comes to fear, you might as well say “Fuck it!” before it fucks you

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