Why Do I Lie So Much? (My First Video On Steemit)

in lying •  7 years ago 

Why Do I Lie So Much


Do you notice the weird white lies you tell people? No just me? According to Stephen Covey “A lie is any communication given to another with the intent to deceive.” I won't philosophize or anal-yse away this quote, but you get the picture, I lie! For the silliest, smallest things reasons! Grades, tests, jobs, skill level, money I make, emotions, etc. But why? Comfort? Pleasure? A sense of trickery, or getting away with something? Perhaps because the truth makes me feel uncomfortable, I want acceptance from people (even strangers I don't know!)

I don't want to lie (even a little!)

Trust me, I don't like lying. Lying to others can lead to some nasty events. Yet lying to myself might really mess me up. I slightly distort reality to make it more pleasing to me. I don't need a fantasy! I already live in a matrix! So why shroud my life in more false comforting reality?I can't imagine how a compulsive liar would feel. Especially using so much effort to continuously cover up those lies, very trapped. I remember in the beginning of college people assumed I have many sexual relationship. My roomate assumed I just had sex, so I didn't correct him... that's lying! Perhaps I should have corrected them: "Oh no no, I got my first kiss at bandcamp and I had to learn how to flirt on the internet" These little white lies seem like gate-way drugs into really unethical practices. First grades and tardiness, then accounting reports, world-news, and governments (ahem...). I don't like this, I will focus on the words me much more intently. I believe in my ability to speak with as much integrity as possible.

Maybe I took this too far. "Don't worry Juxley! We all lie here and there!" And I agree to an extend. Lies can help of course...but at what cost? For me, it would be my values, and I don't feel certain that I will sacrifice them any more. Yet, you may take a different position, and I would love to hear about it!

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Hope you enjoyed the video! I'd love feedback!

I find this a tough topic! But what do you guys think? Do you have a similar experience? What do you have any silly, big, or small lies that you tell yourself or others?

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I would hope that people for the most part wouldn't intend to lie to one another, because that doesn't foster an honest relationship with others. 😊

your post reminds me of this: http://www.nydailynews.com/life-style/health/lie-easier-study-article-1.2844401

I totally agree. I've put myself in position (like in the video) that lying is just absurd. Do you think of anything positive about lying?

And wow that's exactly what I'm talking about! Thanks for sharing!

no I don't think anything positive about lies. I value truth not deceit.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

100% Agree, but I love to converse :)

I would like to experiment spending a day without lying. Should I start now?..

Yes! I would define what you mean by "lying" for yourself. Do you include lying through obmission or exageration as lying? Then, if you ever th yourself doing it, tell the person "sorry that's not fully true" then correct yourself. And reward yourself if you can get through the whole day, week, month!