¿Why don't we steem the magic Myths and Legends? Black Lotus +30.000$

in magic •  9 years ago  (edited)

Let's go, steem the most beautiful and legendary game of colletctionable cards: Magic the Gathering.

It was designed by Richard Gardfield at 1993, a maths teacher.
There are 5 colors, and other colorless cards types like artifacts.
To win is necessary very ammount of 3 things:

  1. Brain: To stop, keep calm, think and make your movement.
  2. Luck: Its a drawing game by turns.
  3. Money: In this case for great official tournaments much money and to play with friends shoudn't be necessary.

Talking about Magic money and business, do you know the most legendary card of Magic the Gathering?
You can buy one blackbordered from 30000$ and one white-bordered from 10000$

This is a Black Lotus, you can play this cards on turn 1 and add 3 mana of any color you like.

The version from the image is Beta, the second Magic the Gathering edition, this card is blackbordered, it's is good, because this value is better than the cards whitebordered.

For the other hand, another great legend from Magic the Gathering is Power Pack 9.

It have nine cards obviusly, and we could buy the cheapest cards of this group paying 700$.

The nine great cards are these:

Black Lotus is the first, of course.

There are 5 Moxes, one of which color of Magic The Gathering. Red, Blue, Black, Green and White.
For complety we can find Ancestrall Recall, Time Walk and TimeTwister, suspiciously printed on the same color, Blue, the color most favored by the creators of magic.

Yes, you all steemers already has been deduced who is the crazyman of the first image and why he smiles like a monster.
This is Mox Jet, the black mox...

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Is a nice game i have played it like 8 years ago i have the deck somewhere around :)