Magick of the GOBC- Knight hand out- Spirits- Introduction to the Loa- Yemaya

in magick •  6 years ago 

Deep down into the oceans of our consciousness we go to the very beginning of life. The ocean breathed life out into this vast and beautiful floating zoo we call home. Our mother is all around us and within us, her name is Yemaya.


It is true that Yemaya is the Loa of the sea, but it is also true that she is more than that. She is that deep part of all life that is connected. She is the water in everything.

Within The Gnostic Order of the Black Cross, and contained within the symbolism of the Knight degree, three Loa play key roles: Legba, Chango, and Yemaya. This queen is the mother who brings you to life as a knight. Without her watery touch you would not have made it through this trial. She is more than water to Chango's fire, she is the power to move mountains. Yes, fire burns very brightly, but the patient waters shape all worlds.


My direct experience with Yemaya is not extensive. She has possessed very few people in my presence. I feel her though at many rituals. Her love is unmistakable. The mystical origins of everything ride her waves into our sub-conscious minds.

Within the Initiation Yemaya, as the daughter of the Sky Goddes Nuit is invoked to aid in the initiation. The Hierophant says: “May our lady of heaven embrace this neophyte into the embrace of the Victory of our Mother of the night sky.”


Yemaya's blessings come to the initiate at the point of Netzach (Venus) from the tree of life. She begins her blessings from the symbolism of the Art/ Temperance card on the path of Samech. She says:

“My arrow pierces the rainbow and brings me to your side. You no longer live within the earth beneath your feet but yet you are not found within the embrace and heat of the Sun, you still waver in the mist of the illusions that have clouded your heart. Within this cauldron is your soul to be purified and the Water and Fire of your soul mixed with harmony. I am the mother of your transformation, but it falls to you to change.”

She continues with this- “Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invebies Occultum Lapidem.” -Which means- Visit the interior parts of the earth: by rectification thou shalt find the hidden stone – V.I.T.R.I.O.L.


When you take just the Yemaya parts from this initiation and put them together an interesting narrative appears, this is a clue to the process that Yemaya is conveying on the initiate:

“You have entered a veil of such darkness before you so that it seems impossible to pierce it.”

“This veil of darkness is formed of a very great number of exceedingly fine black veils, and one tears them off one at a time.”

“You must go on tearing down the veil, and hear the voice thererof.”

“And still you go on, struggling with the blackness. Now there is an earthquake. The veil is torn into thousands of pieces that go flying away in a whirling wind.”

at this point the box that the initiate had been inclosed in is opened and the lid to the box which had the Veve for Legba, opener of the ways is hung in the east.

Yemaya continues: “There is an all-glorious Angel before you, standing in the sign of Apophis and Typhon.”

“On his Forehead is a star, but all about him is darkness, and the crying of beasts. And there are lamps moving in the darkness.”

Yemaya rings a Bell 6 times: “The blackness gathers about, so thick, so clinging, so penetrating, so oppressive, that all the other darkness that you have ever conceived would be like bright light beside it.”

"Is the light within you?” and you answer

“Repeat after me, Let the darkness cover me; and behold, I am compassed about with the blackness that hath no name.”

"If you were to look upon my true form you would see beautiful blue wings, blue robes, the sun in my girdle like a brooch, and the two crescents of the moon shapen into sandals for my feet. My hair is of flowing gold, each sparkle as a star. In my hands are the cross of Transformation and the cup of Blessing.”

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She then kisses the initiate

“Blessed art thou who hast beheld Set my Lord in his glory. Many are the champions of life, but all are unhorsed by the lance of death. Many are the children of the light, but their eyes shall all be put out by the Mother Darkness. Many are the servants of love, but love (that is not quenched by aught but love) shall be put out, as the child taketh the wick of a taper between his thumb and finger, by the god that sitteth alone.”

“Sweet are my kisses, O wayfarer that wanderest from star to star. Sweet are my kisses, O householder that weariest within four walls. Thou art pent within thy brain, and my shaft pierceth it, and thou art free. Thine imagination eateth up the universe as the dragon that eateth up the moon. And in my shaft is it concentrated and bound up. See how all around thee gather my warriors, strong knights in goodly armour ready for war. Look upon my crown; it is above the stars. Behold the glow and the blush thereof! Upon thy cheek is the breeze that stirs those plumes of truth. And from this love have I come, who am the warden and servant of them that dwell forever in the heavens. Though all crowns fall, mine shall not fall; for my plumes reach up unto the Knees of Him that sitteth upon the holy throne, and liveth and reigneth for ever and ever as the balance of righteousness and truth. I am the Angel of the moon. I am the veiled one that sitteth between the pillars veiled with a shining veil, and on my lap is the open Book of the mysteries of the ineffable light. I am the aspiration unto the higher; I am the love of the unknown. I am the blind ache within the heart of man. I am the minister of the sacrament of pain. I swing the censer of worship, and I sprinkle the waters of purification. I am the daughter of the house of the invisible. I am the Priestess of the Silver Star.”

“I catch you up to myself as a mother catches her babe, and hold you up in my left arm, and set your lips to my breast.”

“I give this and more I give love never ending. I am the mother of life and from me all things come.”

“Child balance yourself between this world and the next, find knowledge and love. Look forward in Balance.”

“Upon oceans of time you have ridden this life and I have been with you. I am the waves of your deepest love when you no longer doubt. In my depth I am here with you to give you joy and let all your anger drift from you.”

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“Place your feet within this Iron cauldron as you a cleaned of your past.” seated initiate places feet in a cauldron

“I invoke upon you the ultimate strength that a true adept must possess in order to control not only their life but this world.”

“I cleanse you now as you awaken into the light of a new life and magical day after this my mystical night so as you see the break of day and the light returns know that I stand with you in your heart as mists of love.”

With a sponge, she washes initiate, then brings a cup with red wine “Drink in this wine with the blessing of my mother may her cup touch you one day.”

“You now are My Blessed one of the Sea, prince/ princess of my love and child of this Queen of all that is blessed of the emotions, may you continue in this royal water to continue the daring task of finding your Mercy, and seeking understanding.”

“As you reach forward I can no longer guide you, but I shall always be with you.”

“You move now towards the light that shall always be your guide”

“I declare to the world that this is no longer a neophyte , their name, has proven there worth and there courage. I call on my Dear Chango, from the depth of my heart, to Bestow upon him/her his/her title to be bestowed before god and man.”

This is nothing more than every line Yemaya speaks to the initiate during this initiation. Remember that The Hierophant, Set, and Chango all have lines.



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Colors- blue, any colr that looks like water, white

Symbols- shells, water, fish, any ocean animal, bell

How to identify this Loa

Yemaya is loving and calm. I am sure that she like the ocean can be loud, but thankfully I have never experienced that. When she does come, the room is instantly filled with Love. Tears make for a good release of emotion and bring her to your side. Our mother is Amazing!!!

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  ·  6 years ago (edited)

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Thank you, I will contact there as soon as possible