Magnesium is involved in more than 300 biochemical reactions. It plays a role in maintaining muscle and nerve functions, in regulating the heart rhythm, in maintaining a healthy immune system. It is also necessary to maintain strong zilchis and control blood sugar and blood pressure.
However, a significant part of the population lacks magnesium but ignores it. This is explained by unreliable tablets and poorly defined "normal" values.
Here are 5 benefits-magnesium
1-magnesium is an anti-inflammatory
A study has shown that magnesium supplementation in people with chronic inflammation significantly reduces the level of C-reactive protein, which is a marker of inflammation. These results come from a meta-analysis of 11 randomized controlled trials that studied the effect of magnesium supplementation on plasma C-reactive protein levels. The results showed that magnesium supplementation makes it possible to significantly reduce inflammation, but only in people who initially have high levels of C-reactive protein (greater than 3 mg/dL).
These results are interesting when we know that inflammation is involved in many diseases (osteoporosis, diabetes, obesity)
2-lowers blood pressure
An analysis of 22 studies involving more than 1000 patients showed that an average supplementation of 410 mg of magnesium per day made it possible to reduce systolic blood pressure by 3 to 4 points and diastolic blood pressure by 2 to 3 points(1).The effect seems to depend on the therapy used for a more specialized treatment that brings more benefits.
A meta-analysis of 11 clinical trials showed that daily magnesium supplementation ranging from 365 mg to 450 mg significantly reduces blood pressure (-4.18 mm Hg for systolic pressure and -2.27 mm Hg for diastolic pressure) in people with insulin resistance or prediabetes.
- it would reduce the cardiovascular salty
A high magnesium level is associated with a decrease in the frequency of cardiovascular and heart diseases, in particular ischemic heart disease (temperatures caused by narrowing of the arteries). Examination of 16 studies including more than 310,000 people showed that an increase of 0.2 mmol/ L of magnesium in the blood is associated with a decrease in cardiovascular salinity by 30(2). Similarly, each addition of 200 mg / day in magnesium intake is associated with a 22-fold decrease in the risk of ischemic heart disease. Another study of more than 30,000 participants showed that women with a low plasma magnesium level have an increased risk of stroke(stroke)(3). Those who have a plasma magnesium concentration of less than 0.82 mmol / l have a 57% higher risk than other victims of stroke.
Magnesium enhances blood circulation and reduces vasoconstriction. Studies conducted on animal models have also shown that magnesium can prevent clot formation in the arteries. This suggests that the level of magnesium in plasma is associated with the risk of clot formation (thrombosis) in humans.
A study published in the journal Nutrients in 2018 provides additional evidence. The researchers analyzed recent studies conducted on the relationship between magnesium intake (by diet or supplementation), interest in blood magnesium and cardiovascular saline. Their results confirm that high magnesium intakes protect against the main cardiovascular risk factors (metabolic pattern, diabetes, hypertension) and reduce the risk of stroke and cardiovascular diseases. Studies also show that high magnesium levels in the blood reduce the risk of ischemic heart disease and coronary heart disease. Compared to people with low magnesium intakes, people with the highest intakes have a 22% lower risk of having a stroke and a 31% lower risk of having a heart attack.
- less peripheral arterial disease
In an observational study, Chinese researchers used nutritional data collected by the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, between 1999 and 2004. They evaluated the ankle-arm index, a fellowship between blood pressure in the ankle artery and arm pressure, in 6,000 middle-aged adults. Results those with the lowest magnesium intake have a 56% higher chance of developing peripheral arterial disease. They were also older.
How do I explain that? Magnesium deficiency increases the same oxidative stress involved in the early stage and the development of cardiovascular diseases. Studies show that magnesium depletion makes cells-especially those in the heart muscle-more sensitive to oxidative stress. There is a direct relationship between the severity of oxidative stress and magnesium deficiency. Magnesium deficiency is also at the origin of the pro-inflammatory response and studies show a direct link between magnesium and the modulation of microvascular functions. Magnesium also helps in the fight against cardiac arrhythmias. Finally, the studies carried out to date also indicate that magnesium reduces cardiovascular risk by improving endothelial function.
It can help prevent Type 2 diabetes and its complications
Magnesium plays a role in controlling blood sugar people who consume a lot of magnesium will have a lower risk of developing Type 2 diabetes than those who consume little.
The researchers followed 4,497 people aged 18 to 30 for 20 years. During the study, 330 representatives developed Type 2 diabetes. People who consume the most magnesium (200 milligrams per 1000 calories ingested) have a 47% lower risk of developing diabetes than those who consume less (100 milligrams per 1000 calories ingested).
In addition, diabetics who lack magnesium will have a greater risk of complications related to the disease, according to Brazilian researchers. The lower the magnesium level, the higher the fasting glucose levels (fasting blood glucose) and 2 hours after a meal. A lack of magnesium would disrupt the action of insulin, a hormone that lowers blood sugar. A study has also shown that magnesium supplementation reduces insulin resistance (5).
5-it can reduce anxiety
Anxiety affects about 15 residents during his lifetime. It has long been known that people who lack magnesium are statistically more anxious than those whose parents lack it, but do magnesium supplements help restore mood? To find out, the researchers conducted a systematic review of 18 clinical trials that used magnesium alone or in combination with other nutrients. Results magnesium supplementation has been shown to be effective in 4 out of 8 studies on anxiety disorders, 4 out of 7 studies on premenstrual pattern, and one of two studies on hypertension-related anxiety. These results suggest that magnesium may be useful in anxiety states, but responses are likely to vary depending on the type of anxiety and the person's magnesium status.
Where can I find magnesium؟
The recommended intake of magnesium is 6 mg per kilogram of body weight per day.ANSYS considers a sufficient daily intake to be 300 mg for women and 380 mg for men. Foods rich in magnesium are cocoa, flaxseed, sunflower seeds, sardines, green vegetables(spinach.), Black currants, almonds, whole grains, fresh and dried fruits, dried vegetables.