Who is Maitreya?

in maitreya •  5 years ago 

"Starting in 1982, a man by the name of Benjamin Creme has repeatedly predicted the imminent appearance of Maitreya. He, and his organization Share International, have become fairly well-known and built up a large following."

"According to Creme, Maitreya descended in July 1977 from His ancient retreat in the Himalayas and took up residence in the Indian-Pakistani community of London. He has been living and working there, seemingly as an ordinary man, His true status known to relatively few. He has been emerging gradually into full public view so as not to infringe humanity’s free will. "

"The world teacher, Maitreya, has long been awaited as the Christ by Christians, as Imam Mahdi by Muslims, as the Messiah by Jews, as Krishna or Kalki Avatar by Hindus, and under his name as Maitreya Buddha by Buddhists. They’ve all been awaiting the return of a teacher under these various names. From the esoteric point of view, from which I am speaking, these are all names for one and the same individual, the Lord Maitreya, the head and leader of the spiritual hierarchy of the earth."

"On 14 January 2010 Benjamin Creme announced that Maitreya had given His first interview, on American television, and that millions had heard Him speak both on television and the internet. Mr Creme explained: “He was introduced not as Maitreya, the World Teacher and Head of our Spiritual Hierarchy, but simply as a man, one of us. In this way He ensures that men follow and support Him for the truth and sanity of His ideas rather than for His status. He spoke earnestly of the need for peace, achievable only through the creation of justice and the sharing of the world’s resources"

"Maitreya is known as the fifth Buddha in Buddhism, but Benjamin Creme of Share International claims that Maitreyaitalic is the same as the Christ, the Imam Mahdi, Krishna and the Messiah. He and his organization spread the message that the “second coming” prophesied by many religions will come in the form of Maitreya the World Teacher."

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