Do you know that you can earn $100 in 24 hours on the internet? If you don't believe it, please keep reading. This article will show you ways to do that. You don't need any upfront cash to get started, just your wits, a computer and internet connection
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Ghostwriting articles -
If you have some writing talent to ghostwrite articles. You are able to research topics quickly, summarize the main points and write the article in a clear way with correct spelling and grammar. The article length can range from 200 words to 1,000 words or more. Payment is usually by the word. For beginners, a 300-500 word article can be sold for about $5.00-$10.00. An accomplished ghostwriter can charge up to $30 for a 500 word article. Even teens can make money this way. A few articles, of around 300 words and you just made $30.00 dollars. So, depending on how well you research, take out the main points and add your own personal touches to it, the sky is the limit.
It is reasonable to say that you can research, write / type your article in a cool 30 minutes? So how many articles can you write a day? For teens spending a few hours in the evening writing articles after school can generate a full time income. A lot of people are easily making a cool $100 - $200 dollars a day just writing articles. Here is how it works, where to go to see who needs these articles and how much they will pay, generally it's $10 - $24.00 for each 300-400 word article you write for them. The client gives you the topic and any keywords that must be included in the article. How long it takes to write the article is dependent upon how much you already know about the topic and how quickly you can find the materials you need to research the topic.
It is possible, working at a steady pace, to write ten 400-500 words articles in one day. That's $50 at $5 per article, or $100 at $10 each and $240.00 at $24.00 per article. If you would like to make money this way, you need to place ads on or offering your service. Don't worry, there is no cost for your ads.
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