9 Reasons Why Men Should Not Be Afraid To Use Makeup

in makeup •  6 years ago 

Makeup has a long and contentious history. Equally empowering and jarringly sexist, we will not bore you with its evolution. Instead, here are nine reasons why you should give it a go!

1. Try and see what the women in your life have to go through.

Most women you are surrounded by must use some makeup product or the other. We have become so attuned to seeing women's faces with makeup, that we often forget what they look like naturally. Some go as far as getting permanent make up! If you think you are equal to the women in your life, spend one day in their shoes and see how much time and money they spend on this. Give equality a whirl!

2. Your lips should look kissable too.

Most men would hate to kiss dull and unappetizing lips. Try some lip oil or lip balm and see how quickly people stare at your lips!

3. Sometimes, a little makeup is all the boost you need to take on the world.

Ask any woman in your life and she will tell you that a red lipstick is her favourite weapon when feeling insecure. Although we are not pushing you to try a bright lipstick on your first try, it always helps to have little confidence boosting tools for the days you feel down.
There are several reasons you can see.

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Hey @adcamilk How are you

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