The city of Malang with identical as a tourism city, one being the tourism museum in Malang. Up to this point already recorded hundreds of Hapless tourist destinations interesting to visit. In the city of Malang, tourists will find a range of tourist attractions such as mount, Garden to tourist such as tours of the museum in Malang.
One of the museum's most famous Malang is the museum Brawijaya. This museum is one of the historical museum which deals with the struggles ofthe nation of Indonesia in expelling colonial Netherlands, at the time of independence. In addition to museum Brawijaya Malang museumsthere are still interesting to visit the following data museum wisata in the Malang need to tour as a reference:
1. Bentoel Museum
for lovers of smoking , we recommend that you enter a museum Bentoelas tourist destinations while in the city of Malang. Bentoel is the museum store museum story of Bentoel brand cigarettes. Up until now the smoking Bentoel cigarettes that brand is still popular nationally, competes with Gudang Garam and Djarum, also
2. Satwa Museum
in the town of Batu, Malang, there are also not less interesting museums to be visited namely Wildlife museum. Wildlife managementis still a museum with tours Jatim Park two. Currently the museum ofwildlife into new tourist icon in the town of Batu Malang. In the museum there are numerous Wildlife animal collection of preserved ancient fossils and variety from variety throughout the continent. In the museum of Wildlife, tourists can see replicas of the ancient beasts such as the T-Rex to Mammoth.
3. Museum Angkut
In stone town there is a museum which is currently under discussion by the whole so tourists Indonesia, because it has a unique concept that is the museum Angkut Malang. The Museum is museum Angkut which was recently founded, as recently in augurated in March 2014.
In this poor museum Angkut, tourists will see directly the freight collections from all over the world, from ancient times until the modern era. Most of the collections of the museum of Transport is this poor car cars ever jaya during his. Interesting Museum in Malang.