FUN TIME WITH @GEE1: Meet My #mancrushmonday 😍😍😍

in mancrushmonday •  7 years ago 

Good morning darlings and welcome to a whole new week of opportunities and possibilities. Happy holiday to all Nigerians.


Today I will be crushing on a quality. A quality that only REAL MEN possess. This quality is



Loyalty is derived from the word Loyal. Loyalty is a strong and firm allegiance to a person. It is a strong support that one gives to his neighbor.

As easy as this definition looks, it is an attribute that is found in only few men.

Loyalty is looking out for one another. Loyalty is standing up for someone even in their absence. Loyalty is doing for someone what is in their best interest.


Loyalty is not grey!
You are either loyal or not loyal.
You can't be both.

Loyalty is not bashing your friend behind them.
Loyalty is not selling your friends out to an enemy.
Loyalty is not telling your friend's secret to another.


Loyalty is fighting for your friend behind them.
Loyalty is keeping your friend's most treasured secret, a secret.

Loyalty is staying true to your woman.
Loyalty is staying true to one partner.


Today I am crushing on all the LOYAL men out there. You all are the Real cake before the icing. The men with the toughest muscles are not the strongest of men rather all the LOYAL MEN are the strongest men on earth. If you find a Loyal friend, a Loyal man out there, hold him close. He will protect you with all he has.


You all are the realest men and I appreciate you all. Real attracts real, so does loyalty attract loyalty. Keep being loyal, you will attract your kind. You will attract fellow loyal men and loyal women who will put in their best(loyal) efforts to see you achieve what you deserve. You deserve the GOLD!!!

... Here is my #mancrushmonday post, I will like to see yours😘😘😘

To participate,

• Follow me, Upvote and Resteem this post.
•Add my link to your post so others can participate too.
•Use the #mancrushmonday tag so I can find your post and give my upvote.
•PS: Please use #mancrushmonday as one of your tags not #mcm. So I don't miss your post.


THIS IS NOT A CONTEST everyone is a winner. Here is a list of everyone that participated last week. Thanks for being a part of the fun.


Let's Get the full package on steemit... Let's have some healthy fun💃💃💃💃 Tell us your story.

Remember to Resteem and add the original link to this post in your #mancrushmonday post so that other people can participate. You sure do not want to enjoy this alone.

Everyday of my life, I yearn to make people happy. I want to be the reason someone in another continent smiles. I want to be the reason someone in another country, village, city is able to pay their tuition or that of their child/children.

I hope soon enough the worth of my upvote on people's post will be enough for them to buy a meal. I hope that someday, the worth of my upvote will be enough to fund projects.

I want to make people feel so much love. I am already doing that, I hope that soon enough I will be able to reach more people.

Thank you for reading and participating.

I am @gee1, I am the Steemit Evangelist.

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Thanks a lot popsicles. You know I've got massive love for you.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Awwwnnn... Uwlcm baby.. You know I love you too.

No doubt about that darling.

Feel honoured to be mentioned alongside these men o, even though our boss @olawalium came first....lolz anyways 4th position is not too bad sha

Hahahahahaha it wasn't in any particular order bro.

You see now, how did he know? Anyways the spirit is the way @oreddeby reported you to me sometimes ago i hope you have changed, has he changed? Debby

She can't report me to you because she isn't the type that blabs. She would rather tell me herself, IF i actually did something. I know her better. double wink

Lolz.....funny man

I miss you too. Hahahaha

See why I love you... Muaaahh

Kisses sweetie.

Jesus!!! Dayoooooooo


Hahahahahahaah Dayo and trouble... Na pady. Lolzzz

I see you @oredebby 👍🏽

:) thanks for coming around boss

Boss ❎
Friend ✅

Awwwwnn.. Thats so sweet 😊😊

I celebrate you too my dear

Markdown boss.. I hail :)

It takes a lot to stay loyal
Thanks for appreciatig this great quality
Together i celebrate the royal men
Keep your heads high

Speaking of loyalty, here in mine dear: kindly click here.

Today's topic is of particular interest to me @gee1, since i joined steemit, I've met too many loyal men, but four of them are exceptionally loyal and endearing.
@surpassinggoogle and

I wish i coukd get the oportuinity to write about them, but since am only allowed to write about one, here's my pick.

Right on point!
They are loyal men.

Today's topic is of particular interest to me @gee1, since i joined steemit, I've met too many loyal men, but four of them are exceptionally loyal and endearing.
@surpassinggoogle and

I wish i could get the oportuinity to write about them, but since am only allowed to write about one, here's my pick.

Powerful one @gee1....

Loyalty is something that also encourages people stay in relationships...
My desire is to marry a man who would be loyal in all aspects just like myself...

Check out mine here:

Congrats to everyone. @gee1 you are doing amazing.

You are either loyal or not loyal.....hmmmmm

Only real men can really possess all those qualities.
Is not all men that are loyal. I celebrate all loyal men

I really love this definition :

Loyalty is standing up for someone even in their absence

Thanks for sharing

Loyalty is pretty hard to find in a "Man" these days..

Awesome post @gee1