The Mandela Effect & You. You're not in Kansas anymore.

in mandelaeffect •  9 years ago 

You see that image?  Maybe you remember seeing it in a book!  That's great, but weird, because as far as anyone can tell it doesn't actually exist anywhere.  Lots of people remember seeing fat Henry chowing down on his Turkey Leg, but it doesn't exist.  People have created lots of images that reference it, but that specific image doesn't orginate from a portrait of him that exists... but you remember seeing it while studying in school?  Welcome to the weird world of the Mandela Effect.

There are lots of these.  They cover simple things like changes in movie lines.  The more serious ones, sometimes called the Toto Effect cover changes to History, Religion, Geography, and Physical Products.  Here's a short quiz that you can take that asks you about a handful of them.  What was your score?

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