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Ok, interesting concept... Definitely going to keep an eye on this :)


Hey! @mynameisbrian, I got a question. I saw your post and I really think this is amazing! Chatting with other steemians is always nice haha. But I saw on this chat you can get paid as well. I see the iconic upvote icon here as well. But how can you see how much you've earned? Where does it show in Steemit? :)

This post received a 1.5% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @rkrijgsman! For more information, click here!

Ah yeah, I see! Thanks for the clarification! Bookmarked the website already and pinned it. Very curious on how it will evolve ;)

giphy (2).gif


hello everyone :)

@jacobcards does your religion accepts weed ? That's nice

0.01% votes like on chainbb will be very useful here.

I think I get it, I've just checked my comments page on steemit and I see that these message are being recorded into a steemit post. So just like a regular comment then?

How do the upvotes work on here?

@jacobcards Do you mean a channel dedicated to discussing crypto trading?

This is great... public everlasting chat... your words saved for the ages on the blockchain

realy this chat isn't getting popular idk why

hello mangosteem!

hey guys.

hello! what's up

@chirale: No Mango Steem doesn't run on IRC, You can create your owb channel, check the post by Mango Steem creator to know more details.

I can't send messanges anymore on

So I am writing this from

Is there something wrong on my pc? or is it realted to the alpha page?

And no body is replying..

Has this project died or something?

@artakan yes yes it is.

I tried other chatrooms such as Philippines... not working either.

Well done @mynameisbrian, I just had a quick look around and it looks awesome already.

Hello every one! Thanks @mynameisbrian : )

heyo what's up guys


Welcome to #Mangosteem

se me antojo un mango

@cahlenlee I think we should have a cryptotrollbox or something try and get soem crypto people in here.

yes exactly, upvoted for first time on mangosteem @cahlenlee

How can i create channel?

That moment when mango says new messages down below, then you scroll down and realize those are your messages #foreveralone

Hi everyone


"I was wondering what posts this uses" the channel info button shows the host account @steevc

It makes it a bit more feasible to have a real-time conversation. That's all @jpederson96

We already have a vibrant chat community at @jpederson96 so its not really a question of IF people want to chat, just a question of if they will participate here :-)

thanks @jpederson96

Cool stuff

@mynameisbrian its a great initiative which i just discovered on steemit. I would certainly like to be a part of this new development

Hello everyone

hello everyone

Hi anybody there???

Hello Mangosteem! I am very interested in this!! Way to go.

hello friends

I think it is a good idea if channles are renewed every day or week so as not to "overpopulate" the post.. But I am no so sure, perhaps a way to access older messages by means of a "show more" link

hey guys , what's up?

anyone who thinks , mangosteem require to have a " Create own Channel" option.

what yall got going on over here?

I upvote posts, and then you upvote posts as well.

Hello World!

mangosteem is sick

lets start a upvote chain

I am Thank full for this moment to be on this projekt 😆


Hey, just checking this out. Good to see a few people I know. Hi @heymattsokol ! Name completion would be neat ;)

Just wondering, is there any reason you couldn't simply use Steem to set up a WebRTC session between >=2 parties for a private chat to get around the privacy issue?

That easiest way now would be to view your comment history on steemit, steemdb, whatever you like to use...

how are you


Hello Everybody :]

It is the same as how you might get paid by posting on Steemit.

@hackerfrks and all of you , please type hastage with India , i only want to try this fucking mangosteem . May be use of more hastage with a particular word will help us in creating a new channel. and sorry for my english i'm not good in it

I am excited to start here on Mangosteem!!

can i post in chat a video and Picture

You can upload mp4's to which is another Steemit app.

So, every post i make in this chatroom is listed as a comment on my profile? Is that how this works?

Steemit is about finding good posts, not exchanging lists. There is no point of people following one another just for the sake of it. I don't want to follow 500 people, my feed will become full of junk. You need to carefully select who you are following and engage with them. I don't see the point. We already have Steemit for that.

hi there

What's the latest with mangosteem?

@tngflx we will implement this on steemiz ;)


Hello! I am glad to join Mangosteem. I hope we make it another good place for communication.

@rejzons please don't link dump here. I eventually want this channel to become a space where we can discuss the development of this app. Delete the comment and notify me and I will remove the flag.

how can i create a channel?

If steemit can provide chat function like facebook.... Imagine how wild it will go @_@

that can very quickly clutter the profile history up in my opinion. Real time conversations are slightly different than comments or posts

This is great way to communicate!


haha. oh that would make me very happy @baracudapakira

@mdominicorobin: It is not yet functional, I guess it will take some time till it is available for public use.

This is pretty cool! Anyone else excited for new Steem apps as they come out?

I was wondering what posts this uses, but of course I see it in my Steemit comment history. Could Steemit handle heavy use of chat like this? I guess it handles thousands of comments anyway. Will it scale?

@marillaane I think it is just like on Steemit and that you need 1 million vests (around 480SP) to get the slider.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

I'm off though. Thanks for trying out the app.



how can we check how many people in steem?

Do you mean in the Channel?

be careful though.

I don't think we can at the moment. Probably another future feature.

@swapthehacker tagging myself cause I can. lol.

Welcome Everyone, this thing is badass connected to steemit :)

It's an exciting future to look forward to!