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hello everyone maybe mangosteem has few member hir ?

well thanks for advice

Hi everyone. You might want to listen to this christian song,





wow @mercredi that song it's a lot of memory :)

hhello @saifgrioui



Hear this one

welcome to mangosteem everyone!

Hh hey

hello guys what's up

@firasbc no promiting in here please :)

@mercredi the post is about lyrics that's all

Let's talk about music guys

@firasbc ok gonna take a look at this song take a look at this one :)

Il harba ya frer

Nik el 7ala



hello music lover!

@mercredi thanks bro

alot of cool music guys did you try Dtube?

@saifgrioui i don't understand you

Hhhhh yes i like it too

A7kiw chbikom

Yezzi khw y saif

Seine, a band w/ both members on Steemit, dropped a great single today. (NOT MY LINK / NOT MY SONG):

@firasbc yea taking a look at the song of the lyrics of your post after that :D

@mercredi neither do i i'm trying to


@mohamednajib hi dude

Hahahaha @saifgrioui t7b ynikouk wra chals nti chaklk

Jat 9odami awel wa7da

7ali youtube

Het 8naya bahya


The Black Angels - Entrance Song
I very love this

I like this song.

Hi :)


Good morning

Ahla ya #djogoba



Yeah cheat codes no promises

Hello everyone

Every beat is a second chance


Wa lwled

Its good content though, I just wish you had linked to a legal source rather than reuploading it. That's just my two cents

nice taste you have

linkink park faint thats my jam

we need a rap section

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

do you guys like christian music?

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment


  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

And there the track starts! And I immediatelly know what to sing and just start spitting whatever

Just learned a new picking technique from my bandmate in The Walding Family... man, I've been playing guitar all wrong! Maybe now my prog skills on guitar can finally do my compositional brain some justice :-D

Also - welcome @darkflame, thanks for checking out the channel. Can you explain / link to your "platform for others to showcase their work" - what does that mean exactly?

Hello. This is my band MALANAL :

The lyrics are from Charlie Manson's "Cease to exist"

The track is 100% improvisation

You can compare the two tracks if you like





anyone else ?

Sounds good @ionescu has it's own life and rules. The first attempt sounds like some kinda monster with jar problems singing about a pretty girl he only dreams about, and tries to talk her into intercourse, and the second attempt is more bohemian and dadaist, it comes across like Jim Morrison had a neighbor he told how to sing and get the girls. All in all is very unique style with punk elements to it and JJ Alen's "fuck life" attitude. : / Interesting.

god damn!

dude you just made the best review ANYONE has EVER done of the track!

one question though ? you mean by first attempt my track or charlie's ?

i always like to interpret this track as a desperate attempt to get a girl back, you know what I mean ? Like when you're all drunk and tell all the truth you can't tell when you're sane and not intoxicated.

I never intended for this track to be anything. It just happened. I knew the lyrics to "Cease to exist" and one day in one of our sessions I dropped it.

My teammates just served me the ball just right though. Cause they created an awesome atmosphere.

There's no bass guitar in the track although it sounds like it

I always tend to bring a hip hop vibe to the situation

This one is using basically the same technique and it's way before "Prety Girl" . Different recording also. "Pretty Girl" is an analog recording. It means it's been recorded on tape, also with an analog mixer so we could push up the faders on red.

Is we ware called Gianni Versatil before that

you can see it's improv though cause you can notice the ones involved searching at the beggining for the song. And you just hear one of the guitars go doooown. Lol

Right there the dude found it!

Welcome to #alternative-music. I'll filter out these bots after I rework the code base.

Oh and there's a different drummer. The rest is the same

in a Chon mood this morning... so good!

Yo guyz