Secret Los Alamos Tunnel
There are known areas below Los Alamos National Laboratory and tunnels.
Whispered about for more than 60 years, Labs and tunnels beneath what was once known as the Secret City.
The history of Los Alamos is very involved: world-renowned scientists are recruited to a secret location in the remote southwest (known only by its P.O. box address) to build a weapon to put an end to World War II. This story has been told dozens of times but is often focused only on the most famous of the scientists involved.
The Manhattan Project was a research and development undertaking during World War II that produced the first nuclear weapons. It was led by the United States with the support of the United Kingdom and Canada. From 1942 to 1946, the project was under the direction of Major General Leslie Groves of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Nuclear physicist Robert Oppenheimer was the director of the Los Alamos Laboratory that designed the actual bombs. The Army component of the project was designated the Manhattan District.
Trinity was the code name of the first detonation of a nuclear device. It was conducted by the United States Army at 5:29 a.m. on July 16, 1945, as part of the Manhattan Project. The test was conducted in the Jornada del Muerto desert about 35 miles (56 km) southeast of Socorro, New Mexico.
The Manhattan Project marked one of the most transformative events in world history: the development of the atomic bombs that ended World War II and set the stage for the Cold War. While the initiative’s early focus was weapons based, additional applications for nuclear energy were later developed, leading to advances in the newly-emergent fields of chemotherapy, high-speed computer technology, genomics, and bioengineering.
The Manhattan Project’s three primary sites – Los Alamos, NM; Hanford, WA; and Oak Ridge, TN – speak eloquently to the project’s enormous scale and the frantic, round-the-clock effort required to create an atomic weapon ahead of the enemy. These three locations were central to the mission of the Manhattan Project.
Secret Los Alamos Tunnel
It's deep in the canyon,
Some heard rumors of a train, they claimed when they were up on top f the tunnel or underground facility, they could hear strange noises.
Is it possible?
The public has not been in this vault, the media had never been in the vault until KRQE took footage of what was in the cared out canyon rock until 2013.
Some call it the invisible tunnel. Few knew it actually existed though it sits in the heart of the city.
This was under the town's McDonald's parking lot.
During the height of the cold war when Americans were told Germany was building an atomic bomb, Los Alamos was off limits. People needed a government pass to enter and exit the secret city hidden in the mountains.
A lot of the buildings designed and built in the 1950's there in Los Alamos were designed with Fall out shelters. Claims were the tunnel was built as a safe haven in case of nuclear war.
So in the meantime, lab scientists worked down in the tunnel in secrecy studying and developing new weapons like the hydrogen bomb.
This underground tunnel in Los Alamos was the first place in the country to store the parts for those weapons.
They felt Los Alamos Canyon provided the perfect hiding place.
Plutonium pins and other parts were flown into Albuquerque Kirtland Air Force Base. Then transported to Los Alamos and driven straight into the tunnel.
The materials were stored in 5 vaulted rooms. The weapons parts were so secret though the information on the underground tunnel has been declassified. . .the weapons are Still considered classified information.
Secret Los Alamos tunnel revealed
People feel they have failed.
How deep in the New Mexico desert?
Clearly they Have done plenty of trains before in tunnels as this is seen in the WIPP facility.
Will drop this documentary that reminds me of War TrJustification propaganda. They admit the facilities you see at the surface are only a small fraction of the science going on deep inside the distinctive ridge.
They claimed billions were invested, which seemed to be the Justification for why it was safe.
Politicians talk about it being underneath a mountain. The state of Nevada didn't want it.
McCain sure was pushing it so That's interesting!
Senator Reed wanted it killed because he didn't feel it was science based.
You can see clips of these people here,
Wasteland: The nuclear graveyard under New Mexico
Going to put the rest from the Cheyenne Facility here, as I ran out of enough room in the last detailed/comprehensive article where I showed plenty of documented evidence, photos and footage that these facilities are Not just hearsay, but actually are verified to exist. Even local stations have covered these areas.
See full document and other photos in connecting article in sources below.
For now, back to those generators for back up energy at the underground facility in Colorado.
Remember. . .
I have to bring these images in from Imgur as steemit is not letting me bring these in.
Generators for the Cheyenne underground facility
There are 4 reservoirs like this one, that can be used for cooling and drinking water.
This one is about 20 feet deep and holds about 1 million 5 gallon containers of water.
Cheyenne Mountain known as America's Fortress
The reporter from this local News station states. . .the facility under Colorado is the Eyes and Ears of the U.S. Defense System
Watching and listening to what's going on All Over the and even Out of this World. Interesting.
What do They/We Really know about this world?
Their photo. . .interesting image!
They say. . .It's to keep us all safe! I'll bet it IS. Seems like Someone's Secrets are being kept Safe rather than the general public!
Nice Spin of the Earth and SPIN in general!
Do You See What I See?
This map, simply titled “Tubes,” shows Denver International Airport linked to places like Colorado Springs, Dulce and Los Alamos via a network of undergound “tube-shuttles.” The map identifies circles as subterranean bases that some people call DUMBs.
9News again verifies there Is an underground city and even takes shots of people laughing about it and saying they Don't know what goes on under there. Interesting.
This station reports and shows footage of an underground freeway system with what they say are in this case full of tugs, carts and sometimes Chaos. He gives a reminder this is the case for all freeway systems.
It has the earmarkings of a sing song written for Your education video.
To help you out with the information they Want you to gain on your Tell a Vision Box where they literally Tell you the Vision they Want You as the viewer to have. . .there is music and a speed up to make it even more FUN. Do you suppose All that goes on down here is Fun?
Here is where they make it FUN!
They keep it focused on "of course there are tunnels underneath. . .they need to Move luggage, supplies for the airport and stuff, meh!"
Okay, let's go with that! Of course this is done, but what about. . .
Interesting. . .the person they were talking to had trouble at first. I guess it Could have just been stage fright.
Hear a reporter say this is one of two 7,0000 foot tunnels under DIA. . it is Huge down here, more than a million square feet of space. Interesting what they Want you to know and are trying to focus you on. Remember the whole mockingbird messaging given as talking points at 4a.m.?
The **Lookey over HERE Not over THERE. . .stay clear. ..Conspiracy Theory. Why would there be a theory in the first place. Why don't they ever poke around into the Actual conspiracy? . What are they afraid of or do they Already Know what is there? Are they scared off from actually investigating. Are they fearful of their careers as perhaps Amy Roche was who didn't quit when ABC shelved the Virginia Roberts Guiffre interview exposing Epstein and many of the elites as she even stated. . .they didn't want to jeopardize interviews with the Royal family. Interesting!
So why That emphasis. . .what other space is down there they would Never tell you about?
Reporter states, "And just over that wall. . . that's the train you take. It reminds you of an actual freeway system (Do tell).
They claim people do get lost. is it like a maze? Wonder if there are areas the general public is Not allowed in?
They quick to explain away Why there are so many tugs. . .they originally used an automated baggage system that really never worked very well.
Well That must have provided plenty of reason for Construction, Drilling, Boring and Construction noise!
As stated by the reporter,
United used a form of it until 2008, but now it is Abandoned.
A looming framework of neglected moving metal, track, belts and hopes. Interesting.
Not feasible to keep long term.
He actually makes sure he shows a drawing of an alien and points it out (Anyone could have drawn this. . .even staging is done at times as we saw them stage a Syrian bombing at a gun shooting range in Kentucky).
Can't you Just hear the X-Files music as they attempt to throw shade on all that has been found by diligent Actual Researchers in the FBI vaults on EBE's? Nice Try Mainstream Media. Much of the General Public is already on to you!
He says,
**And then there's this. ..a piece of grafiti by an airport worker!" This is one of the Biggest Clues there is an agenda for this video otherwise why would there have Even been a need to point it out? We all see graffiti everywhere we go. Interesting tactic Mr. MSM!
Then he states. . ."Or is it a sign of strange things that exist Deep Under the airport? "
Interesting wording again as the "conspiracy" at hand has to do with Secret gov programming that is tied Directly to Free Mason group for the New World Order.
Interesting that That was called a Hoax also for years and Now unclassified docs Prove it!
As stated in bibliotecapleyades source found below under the domain extension dot net.
Dr. Bush was named as head of the group.
The existence of MJ-12 has been denied by the United States government, which insists that documents suggesting its existence are hoaxed. The FBI investigated the documents, and concluded they were forgeries. Opinions among UFO researchers and enthusiasts are divided: Some argue the documents may be genuine, others contend they are phony, due primarily to errors in formatting and chronology.
However, before the appearance of the various dubious MJ-12 documents, unquestionably authentic Canadian documents dating from 1950 and 1951 were uncovered in 1978. These do mention the existence of a similar, highly classified UFO study group operating within the Pentagon’s U.S. Research and Development Board, and again headed by Dr. Vannevar Bush. Although the name of the group is not given, these documents remain the most compelling evidence that such a group did exist. There is also some testimony from a few government scientists involved with this project corroborating its existence.
Hear all the scripted news from all around the United States. Qanon talking points at 4 a.m.
Q recently dropped another here,
Hey everyone. . .you poking around and learning is Extremely Dangerous to our Democracy! Interesting wording isn't it? Don't lookey over There. . .don't you dare. . .look right here where we All tell you in Unison!
Here is the twitter feed. . .Notice it's under Majestic12!
Hear the reporter ask. . ."is there a secret city down here?" He says there certainly IS a city of people working, but it's not a secret. Awe, and all smiles too!
Then the reporter asks just to put what he thinks will be the nail in the coffin of people poking around and researching. . ."What about a military complex?" He says no military complex. Then makes a Big joke about What we already know went on during Project Paperclip and what is Already verified in declassified documents of what people like Sydney Gottfried and Mengele were doing!
He asks while the worker smiles on. . "Have you ever seen them do any Psychological warfare testing.
The worker's never seen it. Wonder if he's seen this?
Taken from a connecting article shown in sources below,
Many have been hearing about mind control programming for some time. Do you mean the CIA Now admits it?
You decide for yourself!
Sydney Gottlieb (born Joseph Scheider)
an American chemist and spymaster best known for his involvement with the Central Intelligence Agency's 1950s and '60s assassination attempts and mind control program, known as Project MKULTRA.
n 1951, aged 33, Gottlieb joined the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
He was a poison expert so worked for the chemical division of the Technical Services Staff (TSS)
Nicknames. . . the "Black Sorcerer" and the "Dirty Trickster.
He supervised preparations of lethal poisons and drug experiments in mind control.
“Within Technical Services MK-ULTRA projects came under the control of the Chemical Division, headed from 1951 to 1956 by Dr. Sidney Gottlieb.
I don't suppose this reporter knows his true history enough to ask these pertinent questions of the worker or himself. That is sad. It is freely available if one takes the time to read and do real research.
Colin A. Ross
a Canadian psychiatrist and was president of the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation from 1993 to 1994.
works in the Ross Institute for Psychological Trauma, a hospital in the Dallas, Texas area.
directs a trauma program at Forest View Psychiatric Hospital in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Most of the people the Ross Institute treats describe very traumatic and abusive childhoods.
See more info in sources below
Gottlieb was the liaison to the military subcontractor Lockheed,
then working for the CIA on Project AQUATONE, which would later be known as the U-2 spy plane. In 1953 he procured a safe house for the Lockheed Aeronautics Services Division (LASD) with an easy and exclusive egress.
Then there is evidence out there MSM Never tells the general public about. . .this is why I read rather than listen to them.
Clearly this "journalist" is hoping and possibly counting on the fact you will never see this,
Now back to this "joker" er "journalist"
He literally Looks back at the camera while saying, "you know, a lot of people Think there is an alien base!"
The worker said, "you know people think that, I've never seen any little green men walking around!"
Who said they were Green? Asking for a friend.
Then they remind you all with Happy music that all these workers are working hard and the airport is a pretty amazing place. No doubt, those workers are working hard. ..why all the focus and questioning on Underground Military operations when there is already evidence even 9News provided that these exist.
Take the Cheyenne base covered here and in my previous article. No, they focused on the Workers there too. ..definitely exists and no denying it nor the underground facility at Los Alamos.
And in Tennessee. go Hillbilly girls!
Tennessee Eastman was hired by the Army Corps of Engineers to manage Y-12 during the Manhattan Project. The company transferred scientists from Kingsport, Tennessee to Y-12 and operated the plant from 1943 to May 1947. The Y-12 electromagnetic plant units were initially operated by scientists from Berkeley to remove bugs and achieve a reasonable operating rate. They were then turned over to trained Tennessee Eastman operators who had only a high school education. Nichols compared unit production data, and pointed out to physicist Ernest Lawrence that the young "hillbilly" girl operators were outproducing his PhDs.
They agreed to a production race and Lawrence lost, a morale boost for the Tennessee Eastman workers and supervisors. The girls were "trained like soldiers not to reason why", while "the scientists could not refrain from time-consuming investigation of the cause of even minor fluctuations of the dials".
and Right Here is where Lockheed took over. . .
The Union Carbide corporation succeeded Tennessee Eastman as the operating contractor in 1947, remaining until 1984, when Union Carbide relinquished the contract for operating DOE's Oak Ridge facilities, and the Martin Marietta corporation (later Lockheed Martin) won the contract to take over the operation. BWXT Y-12 (name later changed to B&W Y-12) succeeded Lockheed Martin as the Y-12 operator in November 2000.
The Y-12 National Security Complex is a United States Department of Energy National Nuclear Security Administration facility located in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, near the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. It was built as part of the Manhattan Project.
Their land was acquired through eminent domain,
Every piece of mail going in and out was searched and read through.
There were signs like this all around the town reminding people to Shut Up!
It is said Most did not Know what they were making and didn't learn until the day after the bomb dropped.
Only the Top Scientists knew what was ultimately being made. Interesting as there was that Masonic Secret Order For the New World Order.
Interesting they say it was like working at McDonalds, because the plant in Los Alamos. . .underground facility was Under the McDonalds.
It is said they kept silent out of a sense of Patriotism because of what was going on in Germany. Little did they know how the controllers were Also funding them and Their war effort. Follow the Money as President Trump has been trying to tell us!
See a very short info vid here,
How the US Government Kept a Town of 75,000 Secret
Houses were built outside the town and brought in to be placed.
A caultron "racetrack" uranium refinery at the Y-12 plant in Oak Ridge, Tennessee,
during the Manhattan Project. The light-colored bars along the top are solid silver.
Calutron operators at their panels, in the Y-12 plant at Oak Ridge, Tennessee,
during World War II. The calutrons were used to refine uranium ore into fissile material.
Kiddy Club at the Midtown Recreation Hall in Oak Ridge, on January 6, 1945
Lie detection tests were administered as part of security screening
Physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer at Oak Ridge, on February 14, 1946.
Oppenheimer was called the "father of the atomic bomb" for his role
as the head of the secret weapons laboratory of the Manhattan Project
Shift change at the Y-12 uranium enrichment facility in Oak Ridge.
Notice the billboard, "Make CEW count Continue to protect project information."
CEW stands for Clinton Engineer Works, the Army name for the production facility.
The main control room at the K-25 uranium enrichment plant in Oak Ridge
This 1945 photograph shows the giant 44 acre K-25 plant in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, where the uranium for the first atomic weapon was produced.
Welding at the K-25 facility in Oak Ridge, in February of 1945. At the height of
production, nearly 100,000 workers were employed by the government in the secret city.
Workers perform maintenance on a cell housing in the K-25
uranium enrichment facility, in Oak Ridge, Tennessee
V-J day celebration in Jackson Square in downtown Oak Ridge in August of 1945.
When the first atomic bomb was dropped on Japan on August 6, 1945, the news
reports revealed to the people at Oak Ridge what they had been working on all along.
An "Atoms For Peace" traveling exhibit in Oak Ridge, in 1957
I don't know about you, but these photos seem to tell Quite the story of indoctrination at it's finest.
The promise of jobs though you Don't know what you are doing until it has been detonated. ..and then being told you're doing it for Patriotic reasons as the same side paying you is funding the other side of the war effort.
A New World Order indeed!
Sources and connecting articles,
Secret Los Alamos tunnel revealed from local news station KRQE
FOIA documents from CIA regarding Project Bluebird:
FOIA documents from CIA regarding Project Artichoke:
The Real Story of Jacob’s Ladder: Government Drug Test and the Ladder”:
Remember, they told you since you were little. . .many of you, to Obey Your government!
Interesting info that shows what this waste can do.
The Missouri Ghost Town Poisoned By Toxic Waste
See photos of the Oak Ridge facility back in the day here,
Another connecting article found here,
What is behind Project Looking Glass? Projects predating and eye witness accounts from Project Sign and Project Grudge. Air Force Lieutenant Colonel testimony.
If you don't think they are trying to access other realms. . .you're just fooling yourself. Read the Bible! God spells it out!
Think, what happened to the fallen. Did they just go curl up somewhere or did they wage war against humans who are Created in the image of God, Whom they already had rebelled against.
Hear Schneider talk about tunneling here and what he saw. This is a very short clip from Expo 1995 where he describes what he saw in 1979.
Phil Schneider Talks About Alien Base Under Los Alamos Lab, New Mexico, UFO Sighting News.
Luke 10:18
And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.
Green Berets. . .JFK loved them!
The World's Deepest Buildings (That We Know About) | The B1M
A longer docu on Phil Scheider who was assassinated after disclosure
Secret government bunkers ready for nuclear war
AT&T nuclear bomb shelter urban exploring
Phil Schneider - May 1995 Lecture - DUMBs & NWO - (Full Video)
PHIL SCHNEIDER Deep Underground Military Bases Documentary DUMBS