California Cannabis Law on Ballot for 2016

in marijuana •  8 years ago 

This is, by far, the best bill I have heard on cannabis. I am excited for Californians. Hopefully other states will join soon. I am still cheering for Texas!

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As a Texan, I feel like this is going to be the last state to legalize...

I do, too. Maybe not, though. There is a big movement in Texas for medical and recreational/commercial legalization. Are you currently involved in any activism?

Not real activism. Unless Steemit counts (trying to raise a little awareness if I can).

Hey man, any avenue counts! Thanks for being a fellow activist! Hopefully it will be commercially legal worldwide. Maybe that will be the end of the world. LOL

Yeah man, they won't know what to do when we can use a plant instead of all these medications doctors prescribe (with the side effects of suicide!!).

I agree. I look forward to that day! It's already happening, and I am convinced that there isn't much anyone can do to stop it.