Should weed be smoked erryday?

in marijuana •  9 years ago  (edited)

Yes and no, in my opinion, for several reasons.

Marijuana affects people differently, but many people function at a high level, are very productive and smoke weed pretty much everyday. That being said, I think most of those people have to take a tolerance break now and then. In my experience, if you smoke several times a day for weeks, months or years on end, not only does your tolerance go way up, you are also missing out on REM sleep. When you take a tolerance break your dreams usually come back very strongly the first day you quit smoking. It's as if your brain is trying to catch up on REM sleep.

Another problem you can get into to is getting to a point that you are irritable without weed. This is obviously not as dangerous as an addiction to a hard drug or even cigarettes or alcohol, but never the less, you should never depend on anything (or anyone for that matter) to make you happy.

I don't ever want to be dependent on anything. Very regularly I will go a day without coffee. I have never gotten to the point, that I have headaches or any other symptoms if I miss my coffee and I think it is because I regularly take a day off. I also fast regularly. We are dependent on food and water for survival, but the health benefits of fasting are incredible. It is extremely cleansing for the body.

I think this is the case with almost everything that people like to enjoy on a regular basis. Take a break every now and then and deprive yourself a little bit, even if you're Snoop, you'll end up enjoying yourself even more.

What are your thoughts and experiences?

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Reading this rich makes me want to smoke a joint

Haha, nice jar of nuggets

I smoke a joint a day, well I actually vape it. I run out of weed 3 weeks ago and I am waiting for september to start my next grow. I don't feel any improvement in my motivation or sleep... I am more irritable? Yes, but that has nothing to do with weed. I was on vacation until last week and I felt relaxed until I got back home... It's not the lack of weed to make you upset, it's your life quality and relationships.

I may be able to add more info. I eat it everyday in the form of a tincture and have done so for 8 years. The minimum amount of days for a tolerance break is 6. The ideal is 30, in order to reset your neuro-receptors, the mechanisms that uptake thc, cbd and the other cannabinoids. The Endocannabinoid system down-regulates itself in the presence of regular cannabis consumption.

Thank you. That last sentence is the key isn't it.

Yes. That's part of the reason that a human body can't overdose on cannabis because the system regulates itself.
In the presence of too much THC the body retracts receptor sites itself. So, a non-cannabis user may have 10 doorways open cellularly to let THC enter, whereas a daily user may only have 2 doorways left open because his or her body has retracted doorways (neuroreceptors) in an effort to regulate cannabinoid volume uptake.
The only responsible strategy to consciously address this is through Tolerance breaks.
Not increasing the amount of cannabis flooding a person's body.
With a T-break, a body will re-open receptors or doorways that it had retracted. Then, when a person ingests after a T-break, they will feel the effects stronger with less cannabis used.

Interesting. That ought to convince anyone to take tolerance breaks.

Exactly. T-breaks reset the system. There are other things a person can do too. Other plants contain synergistic terpenes that open these doorways. They are primers for the receptor sites. So, about 45 minutes before a person smokes, vapes or eats cannabis, they can eat one or more of the following foods: mango, basil, lemongrass, chamomille, hemp seeds, hemp seed oil or hops.
For anyone reading this, please be careful mixing a really "hoppy" beer with cannabis. If you drink a single beer and then smoke, it will feel like you drank 6 and the high will feel higher than normal. This is called cross-fading. A person would not likely blow over the legal limit for alcohol on a roadside test but they should not be driving or operate dangerous equipment.
I say "respect the plant medicine" just because a person can, doesn't mean they should.

I'm autistic and have pain, I use 24/7/365. I don't take tolerance breaks. Pain bites.
I used to get that burnt out feeling once in a while, since I switched to moderate cbd:thc strains I Don't. Just steady medication. I believe a lot has to do with the terpene profile as well. I also try to stay away from late harvested cannabis, too much CBN and I'm unable to function.

Cool Information

I wasn't aware of the down-regulation effect before. :)

What strains do you find best for pain??

I've always stuck with sativas, to maintain functionality. A number of indicas severely impact my functionality, put me in a fog and decrease my memory. I use cannabis for the opposite effects. :) The last few years I've had access to higher CBD varieties and I prefer them for pain.

Harlequin was a low-buzz, moderate cbd strain. The Canna-Tsu I have now is marvelous.

I have low level physical pain and moderate to high level neuropathic pain, so I'm actually treating for two different types. The CBD helps with inflammation and when it's reduced, so is my pain. For me the main key are strains which work on pain and still retain functionality. The diesels, really get me high, and also work well on pain, depending on what particular strain.

I'm sticking with the moderate cbd:thc strains for now. Loving the pain reduction without the high. :)

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