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Ive used cannabis to control my migraines for the past 10 years. Nothing works better and more quickly than cannabis!

.....and.... you probably had no side effects either... A doctor would of given you pills that add seizures or something to your list of problems... and then possibly another pill to counter-act the seizures.

The fight against marijuana is totally dumb. I mean...its not more worse than alcohol.

I think they are just scared shitless that people will start to abandon pharmaceutical meds for marijuana in droves.... and if they can't put cancer causing additives in the marijuana and people are growing it naturally and safely themselves.... then they look at it as nothing but a loss for them.

America is about NOTHING BUT the money.....

Yeah i think thats right. The pharmaindustrie is a shitfest, even if they made a few nice things. But you see in the cancer-therapy, that they are all about the money, but thats another story.

I hope it will be legalized, even if i dont smoke it atm.

Marijuana has provable health risks (so does every herb and drug on every market). The risks include;

Lung damage (you cannot smoke ANYTHING without inhaling carcinogens)
Impaired judgement
Short term memory loss
Heavy metal (nickel) poisoning in patients with depression

That said, the BENEFITS of Cannabis far outweigh the majority of associated risks. Also it is significantly less harmful than nicotine and alcohol, even when used recreationally.

I guess a better way to say it is 'when compared to anything big pharma puts out.' Or alcohol.
After my infant daughter and I were hit by a car from a drunk that had done this several times.... I'd rather outlaw alcohol and fully legalize weed.

Okay I guess so.