Woman Who Smoked Marijuana Did The Unthinkable!

in marijuana •  7 years ago 
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The adjectives in this article make it sound more like a spielburg book rather than educated journalism. lol but i guess they want to keep the reader coming back ya know.. you know :) Riddle me this, if weed were legal, wouldn't the FDA regulate it, resulting in less laced medicines? There are sickos in this world, if wish they had to opportunity to be glued to a couch questioning life rather than experimenting on who knows what out there with a certain "crowd" of people they barely know that they have to hang out with in order to have what could be an enlightening experience. Tragic. I hope I haven't said to much. #Freedom



I think people have forgotten that many medications used to contain cannabis. It is an ancient plant and has been used to heal for centuries. Our country is ruled by BigPharma and other corporations that don't want us to know about natural remedies. If weed were ever regulated by the FDA it would probably not be allowed to have the same properties it has now.

Pharmaceutical companies already have patents on drugs created from alkaloids found in this plant, which is considered sacred by native American tribes. The big pharmaceutical companies only want money, not healthy or enlightened people.