Coinmarketcap 22/02/2021

in marketcap •  4 years ago 

Iniciamos una semana mas de vida asi como una nueva semana de jornada laboral en nuestro querido mundo de las criptomonedas, les deseo a todos sea de mucho exito para sus inversiones sean de corto o mediano plazo.

We start another week of life as well as a new week of work in our beloved world of cryptocurrencies, I wish you all much success for your investments whether they are short or medium term.

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El día de hoy mercado inicia la semana con una perdida de "8.20%" es un golpe fuerte que recibio el mercado hoy pero en mi opinión quizás es necesaria para equilibrar mercado luego de los aumentos de las ultimas semanas e intentar superar los valores obtenidos en dichos incrementos.

Today's market starts the week with a loss of "8.20%" is a strong blow that the market received today but in my opinion perhaps it is necessary to balance the market after the increases of the last weeks and try to overcome the values obtained in these increases.

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Hoy es un día negativo 👎 98% del mercado este dia termino con que superan hasta 10% por moneda.
Today is a negative day 👎 98% of the market this day ended up to 10% higher per currency.


Colors of the Market

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La vida cambia muy rápidamente, y de un modo positivo, si la dejas. Lindsey Vonn.

Life changes very quickly, and in a positive way, if you let it change. Lindsey Vonn.

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Designs Made to: sevillaespino

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Thank you for giving us the update buddy, I wish you I wish you success in your investment too.
